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Trumpers soap: CAUTION!

I just bought a bowl of Trumpers Limes soap in the bowl. It says on the side:

"Caution: For external use only"

So remember guys - dont try and lather up your insides with Trumpers. The Truefitt & Hill soap in the bowl I bought at the same time has no such warning, so I assume its good for eating.

But it smells so good I just can't stop myself from eating so much of that delicious meringue goodness! :c18:
This reminds me of the joke where the patient says to his proctologist, "For all the good these damn suppositories did me, I could have stuck them up my ***." In other words, always follow directions.
its strange - the trumpers tastes better than the truefitt. Though if I suddenly stop posting please call poison control :biggrin:
Like oven cleaner warns, Do Not Spray In Face or point away from face. Dang, I thought I'd clean my contact lenses without take'em out.

I can guarantee someone, somewhere has eaten something like that and then sued and won because it didn't warn you couldn't eat shaving cream.
Thanks for the warning.

While we're on the community announcements:

- Body butter - it's only for your body

Never try to put it on your toast - however tasty it might look.

All the best - and remember to be careful out there!

It takes one dumb person and one smart lawyer to sue a company for what is essentially a breach of common sense on the part of the injured party rather than negligence on the part of the company.

Oh well - what can one do?
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