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Trouble honing a decent edge on a Griffon Carbo Magnetic

I have lapping film, a coticule stone, and the welsh slate stones from 8k to 15k grits. I can get a good edge on my Shumate razor, but I haven't figured out how to get the Carbo magnetic shave-able. It feels like it's tugging so much on my face instead of cutting hairs. I did the same routine I did with the shumate (about 100 circles on each side of the blade for the 8k stone, 100 on each side of the 12k stone, and 100 on each side of the 15k stone), but the shumate slices the hair so much easier than the Griffon blade.

Any help? Thanks!
There are a lot of variables at play here. Did you dull the edge and set the bevel for starters, or work from the edges as sent? If the latter, then maybe the Shumate was already further along, whereas the other wasn't. Some steels can be harder and take more time to hone than others. I have a Boeker magnetic steel that's a real bear.
Without seeing the razor, I would say that resetting the bevel would be a good place to start...That way there you have a good foundation on which to work on higher grits...Or at the very least, try a lower grit if you have one (4k maybe??)
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Some old razors are so warn that the geometry is off. The spine could be so worn out that honing no longer produces the optimum 15-19 degrees degree angle. (thanks for the angle correction Gamma!)
If the spine is badly worn, you may need to add one or two layers of tape to get the correct angle. If you don't add tape, you wind up with a thin, floppy edge that crashes mid shave.

Someone once posted a thread with an Excel Bevel Calculator. You take a few measurements of your razor, enter them into the Excel Bevel Calculator and it tells you how many layers of tape you need to compensate for the worn bevel. I'll see if I can find the thread or, PM me and I'll email you the Excel file.
Hope this helps!
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Bevel angle - 15-19° is the usual spread that people discuss, some have claimed that 16-17° is optimum.

Can't comment on the Cause of the tugging - too many unknowns. Could be any number, or combination, of issues.

Most likely - the bevel needs to be redone.
You may be able to do that on the DT.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Alternating in which way? Like a circle on one side, then flip to the other? I did not do that, but I can try that

Yup. When you do a bunch on only one side at a time sometimes you get a finned edge or an uneven honing. When you start to progress up the grits after you bevel set you might want to avoid doing too many laps before flipping the razor over.
YMMV of course :)
Mike. You've got some good advice already, but if you're still struggling I'm glad to hone it for you for free. PM if you're interested.
Aren't circles usually prescribed to be done in sets of 20 per side or so?
I don't use circles often - but I usually never go over 40 per side. Probably more like 25 per side max.
I can see where extended honing on one side with any stroke could cause a burr to rise up - slurry on the DT might take it off - I'd try alternating x strokes.
Bevel angle - 15-19° is the usual spread that people discuss, some have claimed that 16-17° is optimum.

Can't comment on the Cause of the tugging - too many unknowns. Could be any number, or combination, of issues.

Most likely - the bevel needs to be redone.
You may be able to do that on the DT.

Aren't circles usually prescribed to be done in sets of 20 per side or so?
I don't use circles often - but I usually never go over 40 per side. Probably more like 25 per side max.
I can see where extended honing on one side with any stroke could cause a burr to rise up - slurry on the DT might take it off - I'd try alternating x strokes.

whats the DT?
Dragon's Tongue slate - the most coarse of the 3 Welsh slates AJ sells.
When slurried, and if the top isn't lapped too fine - you can get them to cut decently.
They're not really 8k stones - I'd put the two others of the lot in that zone perhaps but the DT - it's more of a middle stone IMO.
Well I spent some time today going back up the grits, this time doing x-strokes alternating sides, about 20 or 30 strokes per side per grit. I think it is much better. Thank you all for your advice! I'll try it out either tonight or tomorrow (depending on my hair growth by then).
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