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Traveling Old Spice

This is just some crazy idea I had off the top of my head here, but I'm wondering about the interest that a traveling cake of Old Spice SS would generate. I just found another cake bringing my total up to two, which should, along with the rest of my soap rotation, last the rest of my life. I think that if I find one more, at a reasonable price, I might buy it to start a cake sailing around to dens across the nation. I guess we could track the number of shaves it gives, like the Tabac stick thread, or we could just sent it around to guys so more of us have a chance to use this American classic.
What do you guys think?
Again, this is just an idea, not something I am able to do right now! If anyone has a puck and would like to start this, please feel free to do so, I don't... for now:wink:
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