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Traveling Ink Box

dgreene120 -FL
Jeff_H - TX
Jut - Illinois
LouSee - PA

It's my understanding that the above list should be the most current version. Is the box heading to one of the people on that list?

I'm planning to PIF one bottle of ink (along with an inexpensive FP to get someone started with FPs), which will leave me with only one extra bottle of ink that I'm not using at the moment. Perhaps I could just send that one extra bottle (something Noodler's) to whoever is going to have the box next to add to the box, rather than having the box shipped all the way to Florida. Does that make sense?
dgreene120 -FL
Jeff_H - TX
Jut - Illinois
LouSee - PA

It's my understanding that the above list should be the most current version. Is the box heading to one of the people on that list?


No one removed me from the list. I'm the one who sent it to airmech in Texas.I would strike my name out on my own, but I'm on tapatalk right now and don't know how
If there are only one or two others left, you can send the box to me last and I can split up and send the contents, along with my ink, back out to those who participated in the pass around. We can post a list and everyone can make s claim - first come, first served. Thoughts?
Maybe some other folks will show interest over the next couple weeks as this travels to the last two individuals.

I really hope that some others join in. I think that it would be great if we could keep this going! My thought is that In a year or two I could grab it again to see what is available. I have enjoyed seeing what has been in it and what people have added and subtracted. Just the musing of a grumpy old man!

Replied to your PM, too Vlad...

I have a couple weeks left onsite, so if it's not a bother, you can send it to someone else
dgreene120 -FL
Jeff_H - TX
Jut - Illinois
LouSee - PA
countrydirt - CO

I just added Troy to the list (countrydirt). Maybe send it his way next.

Other possibility once we run out of people: The late, late, late Sue Moore auction entry. Donation to NBCR gets you the box?

This is a great idea if/when this permanently fizzles out. We could hold a pop up auction in The Nib.

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