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Took a gamble! WHAT have I bought? Vintage Merkur.

My RAD is getting out of control (nearly literally). Today it compelled me to buy this razor that I couldn't find any information on at all:


I searched B&B and Google endlessly, and here's the closest I've gotten:

Link1 (Post #7) - Albeit a different end cap on the handle
Link2 - Bakelite version, red box.

So it would seem it's a non-adjustable Progress. Is this correct? Any idea about the time frame in which Merkur used blue boxes? Thanks for any help.
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It looks nice: congrats.

That box makes me think it is earlier than the 1956 catalog at http://www.gut-rasiert.de/forum/index.php/topic,15523.0.html - maybe pre-WWII? At the same time the design reminds me of the #71 in that catalog, but in metal instead of "pollopas". There is a little discussion of the pollopas version at http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/340079-Merkur-question

Are there any markings on it? We might expect to see a D.R. patent or design number, perhaps "DRPN 483501". That might not really help date it because many of those records are difficult to track down, but I am still curious.

Is the Gillette blade a three-hole or a modern one?
Great links! Here's an interesting discussion on the third page of the German thread:


Now that I saw this morning crafty thread today, I will not fail again to create a track.
wonderful I bought this planer head of a forum member. It is, "Schlenk" as already shown in the post of December 11, a non-adjustable Merkur Progress head from the 50s. I have equipped it with a handle of ron and affectionately call it Merkur ron 50s. The blade is a wide piece of free as in newer planing. Therefore, the sound resembles that of a shaving razor shave and with the right blade it shaves really soft and smooth as glass.harmonized with the Shark he does not work for me I use this cutterhead extremely happy and I consider him in honor. mikri LG

This is a very nice plane, Rockabillyhelge. . Apparently there was the head in Progress design with bakelite base and with different handles frequently in the pre-war Merkur variants with metal base has indeed made ​​Mikri continued posted his Merkurs with such a head up: Does anyone here have a clue whether the metal mounts are also pre-war models? I have such and am unhappy with the dating ...

I think it is both before and have also given after the war, the nonadjustable Progress with metal base, can hardly imagine
it right a lot of innovations were in the early 50s, the old price lists show indeed that the old models for a long time, sometimes yes have been produced to date / be.
The Progress to I'm rather assume that at some point the origin Merkurs, the 34/33 similar has given preference since have changed in the nonadjustable also shaving habits and shaving preferences, it was also at Gillette so that the models have become increasingly easier with time.

Unfortunately, the razor is shipping from Europe and will probably take a couple of weeks to arrive. I'll update with the markings when it does, unless of course someone can ID it from the picture above.
Hi Everybody :)
This Razor is a non-adjustable Progress, the upscale Razors in the 30s and 50s had this Head with a Variety of Handles, it could be the original Handle in this case but im not sure, could be a Frankenrazor as well.
The Head was produced in a variety of forms, in Bakelite, with Closed sides, with open sides (just as the the one on the upper pics), but all together are IMO a bit aggressive but good and clean shavers, i like them :)
A guy from the German Gut-Rasiert Forum posted some time ago this pic (pleas scroll abit down) where you can see most of the Varieties of this Razor:

A Nice find, i would recommend a nice new Handle and a good polish and it would be a beauty :)


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Rockabillyhelge, thanks for the link and the info -- good to see you here!
Hi Everybody :)
This Razor is a non-adjustable Progress, the upscale Razors in the 30s and 50s had this Head with a Variety of Handles, it could be the original Handle in this case but im not sure, could be a Frankenrazor as well.
The Head was produced in a variety of forms, in Bakelite, with Closed sides, with open sides (just as the the one on the upper pics), but all together are IMO a bit aggressive but good and clean shavers, i like them :)
A guy from the German Gut-Rasiert Forum posted some time ago this pic (pleas scroll abit down) where you can see most of the Varieties of this Razor:

A Nice find, i would recommend a nice new Handle and a good polish and it would be a beauty :)
Yes, there is quite a variety.


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