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TOBS Avocado :

I had a sample of this to try, and initial impressions of the fragrance were good - on opening the little jar it smelt clean, fresh and a little cucumber-y.

Lathering up it was a dream - thick, slick lather just like the other TOBS creams.

But the smell! Gee Whiz, it was awful! Gone were all the clean, fresh tones and it smelt for all the world like I'd applied guacamole to my face! Logical, given the avocado but thoroughly unpleasant first thing in the morning!

I know it gets a lot of love here but not one that I'll be using again.
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How depressing. Seems like an interesting scent although I nearly eat an avocado a day so I may be biased.
That's one thing I don't get, the smell changes completely after it's lathered. I wish it could maintain that initial fresh smell.
Interesting... I keep hearing everyone RAVE about Avocado on reviews. I was just about to order TOBS - Avocado this morning too!

I currently use TOBS - My Taylors. My first and only cream/soap I have used to date. Newbie "Raises hand".

Maybe now I'll maybe reconsider Sandlewood or Cocunut.
I had the same aversion to the scent I thought it was awful, thank god I got a sample.

I had a sample of this to try, and initial impressions of the fragrance were good - on opening the little jar it smelt clean, fresh and a little cucumber-y.

Lathering up it was a dream - thick, slick lather just like the other TOBS creams.

But the smell! Gee Whiz, it was awful! Gone were all the clean, fresh tones and it smelt for all the world like I'd applied guacamole to my face! Logical, given the avocado but thoroughly unpleasant first thing in the morning!

I know it gets a lot of love here but not one that I'll be using again.
I have a sample of this as well. I love it. It's one of slickest creams I've used. I found the smell to be very mild. Hardly noticed it at all.
this has been the best performing tobs that i have used so far (sandalwood, jermyn, avacado), but i couldnt get past the smell. i really wanted to like the smell, but i couldnt.
Tried it once. Sold it immediately. Very unpleasant smell for a shaving cream, something like cucumber. And I don't find TOBS creams to be extraordinary performers. Average, but not more.
Interesting... I keep hearing everyone RAVE about Avocado on reviews. I was just about to order TOBS - Avocado this morning too!

I currently use TOBS - My Taylors. My first and only cream/soap I have used to date. Newbie "Raises hand".

Maybe now I'll maybe reconsider Sandlewood or Cocunut.


Why not pick up a sample pot and see what you think?
Tried the Lemon & Lime this morning. Performance was identical, smell was much more pleasant. Quite artificial, but reminiscent of high class spa freebies, for anyone that's into that sort of thing.

Still nowhere near as nice as the Grapefruit, but one I'd happily use again.


The Lather Maestro
You should try it several days in a row, our reaction to scents is changeable (generally, not just with shavjng). The comfort and way it leaves your face is considered by many to be the best there is. Many of us find the scent grew on us with avocado, as well.

If aafter 3 tries it still doesn't appeal to you, then toss it. I'd urge yiu to give it three tries though.
I love the scent of TOBS Avocado, and I don't get the slightest hint of avocado smell. All I get is citrus and cucumber.
I love TOBS Avocado, but initially hated it. It is probably an acquired taste.

Try again after a week to see if your perception changes.
I love the scent of TOBS Avocado, and I don't get the slightest hint of avocado smell. All I get is citrus and cucumber.

I'm with you Aaron. I love this stuff. This is the best performing cream I own. And the scent is refreshing. I love this stuff. Since there is a lot of you that don't like it, if you haven't gotten rid of it yet, can I persuade you to PIF it? I am sure there are a lot of people here that haven't tried it that want to.

Just a thought.
I don't get anything close to an avocado smell. To me, it's a fresh grassy smell, maybe a little cucumber, and very mild. I like it a lot.
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