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Tobs as

The only AS I have used since DE shaving has been Speick ASL. I love the performance, as it really makes my face feel great after I shave. I am a big fan of TOBS having creams as well. So my question is, how does TOBS AS stack up against Speick in performance? I would love to get an AS to match the scent of my shaving cream. I don't mind the scent of Speick, but I'd like something a bit more pleasant. What do you think?
I have used neither so this is all second hand for the moment. I asked a similar question of one of my friends recently as he uses both aftershaves from time to time. His opinion was that Speick was much better with regard to caring for your face. He views Taylor aftershaves to be closer to colognes. The exception he said was Jermyn Street where the aftershave was, in his words, "an excellent performer."

I am eagerly awaiting getting to try Speick and TOBS aftershaves so I can form my own opinion.
TOBS AS really doesn't hold a candle to Speick in terms of performance. TOBS aftershaves are really basic mixtures of alcohol water and a tad of glycerin. No real skin goodies in there, and you can tell (save for Jermyn street as the previous post mentioned, which has aloe and other good stuff - too bad I am highly allergic to the fragrance oil in Jermyn street). Also, the scent of TOBS aftershaves is soooo very fleeting. My advice is to just buy the TOBS colognes, which are fantastic and use an unscented aftershave splash or balm. Or, you can use witch hazel and pour some of the TOBS cologne in your hand and mix it with a pea size of 444 balm. That's a great solution as well.
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TOBS aftershave splashes make my face feel great.... although I agree that the ingredient list is not up to par with Speick. Speick is the bar to measure all aftershave splashes by IMO.... it's nearly perfect as far as splashes go. The only TOBS aftershave I don't care for in terms of performance is Jermyn St..... but I like splashes with alcohol. I like a smooth and clean feeling after I apply a splash..... not slimy and greasy, which is what I get with the Jermyn St. aftershave lotion (the Jermyn St. aftershave cream on the other hand is very nice and absorbs well for me). Plus, the whole atomizer type way of applying the Jermyn St. aftershave lotion just doesn't seem to work well for me. It's a heavy fluid and just kind of globs out of the atomizer rather than misting out onto you skin. So, for me, TOBS splashes are great with the exception of Jermyn St., but I usually use witch hazel or a balm with some skin goodies too when I'm using TOBS splashes to get that Speick-like performance.

The TOBS splashes (except for Jermyn St.) are totally old-school and leave your face with a smooth, dry, toned feel once the alcohol has burned off. I agree with Ben that the absence of any grease (on your face or hands) makes these products pleasant to use; most of the modern aftershaves in my collection have a degree of greasiness to them, even if it's only a slight one. On the other hand, I can also understand why many people would prefer a splash with more moisturizing ingredients.

In the end it comes down to skin type and personal preference.
I have Mr Taylor it's got a light powdery floral scent that sticks around for about an hour or so. It has a good toning effect but as others have said, no moisturizing properties so I combine mine with some RSC unscented balm and get the best of both worlds
Putting a quick word in here for the TOBS aftershave gel - I have the Sandalwood. It's great - very soothing (has witch hazel), not greasy at all. Lovely compliment to the notes of the Sandalwood Cologne, as you would expect. Smell also lingers nicely without the Cologne.
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