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Tobaccoania ?

Anyone collect Tobaccoania?
I've collected Everything, once upon a time. One sideline was Tobaccoania, a few tins a few ashtrays a couple cheroots, a couple of treasured items, given to me by an 85y/o friend, the items belonged to his mother, I will show these later and dust, lots of dust and cobwebs.

I would really like to see some of yours, I'm always interested in old stuff, good, bad, ugly, treasured, or hucked in a corner, it matters not, it's stuff that is historic or never the more to be repeated in todays world.

I start with a tobacco cutter



Sadly I sold several smaller ones, sellers remorse, sold me matches except for some wax vestas. I need find a Champion Tobacco Plug I have somewhere here, it's anywhere up to 50y/o?? Note to self, never shift things to fit more things in, you lose track of where things are, numpty! :w00t:


I smell like a Christmas pudding
This is all I have and I am not a collector - a Royal Doulton ashtray, I think these were made only in England. It has a back stamp which dates it to 1939 which matches with the blade design in the front image. I can imagine this in a WWII public house and especially like the "keen to serve" double entendre.





My elbows leak
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Tobaccoania ?

Anyone collect Tobaccoania?

I've collected Everything, once upon a time. One sideline was Tobaccoania, a few tins a few ashtrays a couple cheroots, a couple of treasured items, given to me by an 85y/o friend, the items belonged to his mother, I will show these later and dust, lots of dust and cobwebs.

I would really like to see some of yours, I'm always interested in old stuff, good, bad, ugly, treasured, or hucked in a corner, it matters not, it's stuff that is historic or never the more to be repeated in todays world.

I start with a tobacco cutter

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Sadly I sold several smaller ones, sellers remorse, sold me matches except for some wax vestas. I need find a Champion Tobacco Plug I have somewhere here, it's anywhere up to 50y/o?? Note to self, never shift things to fit more things in, you lose track of where things are, numpty! :w00t:
Here's mine. Not so much a collection item as a plug cutter that I use.

This is all I have and I am not a collector - a Royal Doulton ashtray, I think these were made only in England. It has a back stamp which dates it to 1939 which matches with the blade design in the front image. I can imagine this in a WWII public house and especially like the "keen to serve" double entendre.

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thats real nice, blends blades ashtray and a message very well.

Here's mine. Not so much a collection item as a plug cutter that I use.

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thats also real nice, i could see me chopping carrots with that :w00t:

I've not got a whole lot of your talking strictly advertising and the like.... this came from my grandfather who did not smoke cigarettes.(he occasionally did a pipe and smoked a cigar once a year) I think he kept it because it likely came from his father or his brother who passed on in his 40s, I never did know either. Its likely got more sentimental value than actual value.
"If you're a devoted collector..., you seek out objects you can love to live with but also live in". Dasha Zhukova
''If you a deranged collector....., you seek out objects" Waste Of Money Brains And Time ESQ. :letterk1:

I've had this ashtray for so many moons i can't really remember? but it was way way P I [pre internet]


As you can see it is really loved, well it was once ..... A I [after internet] I sussed it to a soap dish lid. There is a picture of one in the West Au Perth Museum catalogue. So began Earnest, a continued aprox 30year QUEST, to find the bowl. I even asked sellers/cellars for exact measurements and pix of the threads in the bowls they were selling, I was hoping for one that would fit :thumbup1:
It blendeth the Shaving and Tobaccoania well .

Well one day in the middle of the night, my Quest ended, in such glee I was wetting my pants like a new puppy hisses on the floor 😂


could not believe me own ears complete with unused soap, na it's not real, is it?
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I've not got a whole lot of your talking strictly advertising and the like.... this came from my grandfather who did not smoke cigarettes.(he occasionally did a pipe and smoked a cigar once a year) I think he kept it because it likely came from his father or his brother who passed on in his 40s, I never did know either. Its likely got more sentimental value than actual value.
Wowsers, that I like, I'll swap you a few bottle tops for it :w00t: [but not my Spanish coke one, or my Powers Gold one]

Sentimental overrules .... with me, most times, and like bottle tops, you may actually be surprised? 🤑
Oh goodness at the tobaccoania that I once had. I guess I still have a good bit of it. Lots of tobacco sticks that were used to hang tobacco in barns. I have a tobacco sheet that we used to stuff cured tobacco in to take to the auction. My dad did have a literal conveyor belt tobacco sewing machine used to sew the tobacco on the sticks... but that's long gone. I have flashes of memories barning tobacco as a wee lad. The sewing machine would poop the bed and my grandmother would go "hmph hand tying is better anyway that machine tears the leaves up too bad." Apparently my father developed the magic touch for making the sewing machine run, and im pretty sure he worked on a lot of them locally. Of course they were only relevant for a few years before everyone switched to bulk bin barns and went away from stick barns.

Sorry, got side-tracked there. I'll see if I can find some photos of old tools we used when I was young. I used to keep a couple of hand tied bundles of tobacco out for display, but it got to be a hassle replacing them every year.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

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