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To use, or not to use. That is the Question.

My wife gave me a like new Schick injector "Adjustable by Schick" M28 with some blades and a bottle of Canali After shave lotion for Christmas. The Razor is in the plastic part of its box with a full original dispenser of blades. Appears unused as there is no rust or soap scum. The blade in the razor itself has no appearance of use or dirt. Every part of the razor indicates unused. Even the adjustment knob has no wear.

I have sterilized it anyway with a weak mr clean and a soft toothbrush for the outside and a pipe cleaner to get into the blade area of the razor (after removing the blade).

I am considering using this razor but there is part of me that is saying I should save it...

What would you do?

Ha, that took all of 33 minutes! I like how you have your willpower in check! :lol: I was gonna say use it so I'm glad you did and that it was a great shave!
You did the right thing. Like you said, your wife gave it to you to use. You might as well enjoy it. It's not like it would be worth a lot of money any time soon. Nice razor.
Good for you.

I bought a Schick hydro-magic in the plastic display card.

I felt bad for 10 seconds after I ripped it out of the packaging but that feeling went away a few minutes later when I was the first one to use it... SWEET!!!!!
I wonder if those razors came with a blade in them. I wouldn't think so, unless it was a blank. But I don't have an NOS one to judge this one by. And if the razor pack consisted of twin blades, then I'd assume that the one in the razor was, too.

Anyway, I would have used it.

My wife gave me a like new Schick injector "Adjustable by Schick" M28 with some blades and a bottle of Canali After shave lotion for Christmas. The Razor is in the plastic part of its box with a full original dispenser of blades. Appears unused as there is no rust or soap scum. The blade in the razor itself has no appearance of use or dirt. Every part of the razor indicates unused. Even the adjustment knob has no wear.

I have sterilized it anyway with a weak mr clean and a soft toothbrush for the outside and a pipe cleaner to get into the blade area of the razor (after removing the blade).

I am considering using this razor but there is part of me that is saying I should save it...

What would you do?

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