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To those of you that use more than one razor, what are your reasons?

I just invested in my second razor, a 1962 Slim Adjustable, and was curious as to how you guys choose which razors you choose and if there's any reasoning behind your choices. Is it just your mood, or does one serve its purpose better than the other based on your hair growth? I feel like I'm just thinking way too into it, lol. Let's see what you guys say!
My Cobra is always my first choice. A real nice 2 pass w/touch up razor. If I am really pressed for time I still use a Fusion Pro Glide razor which in one pass w/touch up still gives me the safest and closest shave of any of my razors. I also have a folding DX that I use when I really want to take my time.
My mood is most often what makes the decision for me. The length of my hair growth can play a role into the decision, skin condition can also lead me to certain razors over others. Some people use the days of the week: Monday = Merkurs, Tuesday = Tech, Wednesday = Weber, Thursday = ?, Friday = Fatboy, Sunday = Single Edge. I usually just decide based on my mood.
i have 4 razors: a EJ DE89 (my first proper DE), a 1940s gillette tech (my grandads razor (he gave it to me)), a gillette slim twist (junk shop cost £1) and a revisor 5/8 straight razor which i bought for myself as a present for finishing uni and is the razor i use pretty much every day now.

there you go :001_smile i decided i prefer using my straight at the moment and am getting really good with it now so i really enjoy using it and maintaining it.

everyones different and people who are really into different razors use them in rotation which i think is cool but i just like sticking with one at a time really and seeing whats best for me.... at the moment it is my straight: beautifully made, super sharp and a perfect shave for me
It's fun in my opinion. Each shaves differently, my superspeed is usually for the weekend (it has a red tip so the shaves go faster), DE89 for when I feel like it, and my aristocrat on tuesdays and thursdays.
My Cobra is always my first choice. A real nice 2 pass w/touch up razor. If I am really pressed for time I still use a Fusion Pro Glide razor which in one pass w/touch up still gives me the safest and closest shave of any of my razors. I also have a folding DX that I use when I really want to take my time.

use a fusion progilde?!.... coooommme on man haha :mad2:
Wherever the mood takes me - one of the dozen DEs, one of the dozen SEs, one of the 4 injectors or one of the three straights.
Singled Edge Sunday notwithstanding.
And Straight May.
And GEMini and SEptember, maybe Schicktober.

Variety, it be the spice of life.
I started with a Gillette slim then bought a fatboy. I was wanting to buy a new razor and bought a Merkur 1904 open comb. I love the open comb and i use feather blades in this razor, its really nice. I have been using this one since i got it. Now Im wanting the adjustable Merkur... reasoning? I'm addicted to shaving and want to know all about it, lol
For me it's whatever I feel like grabbing that day. I just got a 58 Gillette Super Speed so I've been trying that out with most shaves, but still use Weishi occasionally. If I am pressed for time, I use my Atra or Trac II Colonel Conks.
It's good to have a couple of razors with different aggressiveness levels. Sometimes I have two days of growth, sometimes I have three; occasionally I only have a day of growth or four days' worth. Also, there's the possibility that my skin doesn't feel up to par if I shaved too closely the previous time or if I'm sunburned, etc....

The Slim itself would take care of the multiple razors if it works for you.

FWIW, my razors: Gillette Sheraton and bar-handle LC NEW; however, I really want a Slant.
I have 5 razors...

i have 2 residences and started off with an EJ89L in one and a Merker 34C in the other. Then I got interested in the vintage thing and bought a Gillette Slim for one place and a Fatboy for the other. Then my wife found a Hoffritz slant in an old box of her Dad's stuff. I'm done for now!

When all is said and done though, participating in boards like this, in which there is constant talk of dozens of products and the subtle differences and advantages of each, leads to purchases of product with overall diminishing returns. It's not a bad thing per se but there can be a touch of irrational thinking in it for some people, i.e., the next one I get will be better than the rest, more is better, people will respect me if I own 20 brushes, etc. Most people manage it, a few go nuts, the world keeps spinning. 'Cest la vie.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Most days it's just a mood thing for me. I like to keep it lively. If i've gone more than a couple days without a shave I'll likely use my Slim set on 8 or 9, I feel like the larger blade gap mows down the extra growth better. 1-2 days growth i'll just randomly pick a razor based on my mood. "I think i"ll try this one today" or "haven't used that in a while" is the norm.
It's just nice having the luxury of choosing betweens dozens of different razors. Ah, if only the rest of life were like that, but the wife just doesn't see things the same way I do.
I like using a different item every day so I have a large number of custom made, vintage, and new razors that I can choose from.

Most of the enjoyment is deciding what to use each day.

I may go a month or more before using the same razor again.
That was my second razor too and I find it's just nice to change it up every now and then. I also think some blades work better in my Merkur long handle than in my Gillette adjustable (and the other way around too). Just bought my first straight last week but haven't started learning that one yet. Could be my Sunday shave razor.
For me it's pure laziness. I'm not a huge stropping fan, so I have multiple razors. I strop all of them at once typically twice a week. Plus I don't have to send one off as often to get honed.
Just over a year into traditional wetshaving with a DE and I'm still just trying things out to find out what I like the best. I have over 40 DE razors and I've tried them all at least once. My mood right now usually dictates what razor I use on a given day.... but I am definitely starting to form some solid opinions about which ones I prefer over others. Eventually, I will sell off the ones I don't like as much as others. Some, I will never sell..... like rare razors and birthyear razors..... the collectable ones. I think I will always want some variety as well. I don't want to shave everyday with an R41, but I can't imagine never being able to shave with an R41 from time to time.... so I'll always have that one I think. Variety and experience are the reasons for me right now.

I like using a different item every day so I have a large number of custom made, vintage, and new razors that I can choose from.

Most of the enjoyment is deciding what to use each day.

I may go a month or more before using the same razor again.

^ This

I wish I had a dozen European automobiles to choose from each morning, but a couple dozen straights suffices
I've gotten great shaves from my Slim, Fatboy, 37C and Fatip. Since I've gotten great shaves from each, I just shave with one for a month then switch to another razor for a month and so on. Right now, I'm test driving a 5th but I think I've crossed the line with the 5th. I have 2 versions of an adjustable, a slant and an open comb which is a nice variety of old/new and razor types. The 5th seems redundant so I see myself selling it off and sticking with 4 on a monthly basis.
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