I got into this wet shaving thing sick, overweight, generally down and out physically. I have Benign Essential Tremors and my tried and true prescription med was taken away because my lungs were going south.
Now, several years later, I am reverse aging, BP normal, no lung meds, diabetes gone away, and tremors, while here to stay, much more manageable.
In the beginning, no way would I have ever considered a straight. Now...well I still have to mostly shave two-handed, but I'm wondering if maybe there CAN be a str8 in my life.
If so, where do I start? I was thinking about getting something from Larry at Whipped Dog. I like Larry, and he's always been...straight with me.
Comments, suggestions? Will tremors hamper my ability to strop a razor? I can put a pretty good edge on a knife.
Gentlemen, start your engines, I'm looking for a new kind of RAD.
Now, several years later, I am reverse aging, BP normal, no lung meds, diabetes gone away, and tremors, while here to stay, much more manageable.
In the beginning, no way would I have ever considered a straight. Now...well I still have to mostly shave two-handed, but I'm wondering if maybe there CAN be a str8 in my life.
If so, where do I start? I was thinking about getting something from Larry at Whipped Dog. I like Larry, and he's always been...straight with me.
Comments, suggestions? Will tremors hamper my ability to strop a razor? I can put a pretty good edge on a knife.
Gentlemen, start your engines, I'm looking for a new kind of RAD.