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To grow a beard or not to grow a beard?


Well I am soo much better with the beard, I mean really you could never be as good as me. Say have you herd that new underground band the Ramones ? There like this oh you would not understand. never mind.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I say skip the beard. Nobody is going to remember whether you had a beard or not or whether you were expected to have one or not. It's her day and ypur beard will be the last thing on her mind. In the meantime you will miss out on SHAVING, that wonderful daily treat! You will also avoid being a follower trendy hipster who is like 4 years late to the beard game. If you continue with a shaven face you will be a trendsetter and leader....your choice , but food for thought.

You must have missed several comments from members remembering when I posted a picture nearly 3 years ago. :laugh:

I'm also pretty sure I started the beard movement way back when. I'm the originator :detective: And I can assure you being called a hipster is of least significance to me. :euro:

Jason, fantastic looking beard! Some men just need to grow beards, even for a little while, and you are one of them! I would love to have one like yours!
Enjoy the journey and you might as well start learning how to shave your legs as that is the easiest part of the body to do; very relaxing, covers a very large area requiring tons of soap, a large brush and you get an opportunity to use all of your gear while refining and honing your technique at something new; it'll be like starting over as a newbie and it will take your mind off of your beard! You can even introduce yourself, again, in the newbie thread! :thumbup:

Great tip and advice....but I shall pass on that one :001_cool:

Thanks for the support!
You must have missed several comments from members remembering when I posted a picture nearly 3 years ago. :laugh:

I'm also pretty sure I started the beard movement way back when. I'm the originator :detective: And I can assure you being called a hipster is of least significance to me. :euro:

Great tip and advice....but I shall pass on that one :001_cool:

Thanks for the support!

was this the picture :wink:



Needs milk and a bidet!
I don't remember having pants like that. But then again I was drinking a lot of PBR.
Dude, if you said to your bff that you'd grow the beard for her wedding, just grow it out. Do you have to have a yeard or are you allowed to get away with a trimmed well maintained beard? Since it comes in full, I'd grow it!

+1. If you agreed, then you should meet the commitment IMO.
Well, if your friend is like any of my female friends, six months from now the wedding will be called off, the guy she's marrying will have married another man, she'll be living in a trailer in Topeka Springs Kansas with her mother while attempting to "find herself" and you'll feel like an idiot for doing something like growing a beard for a friend.

So I say yeah, go ahead and grow the beard.

Well, that is a dilemma. Personal story here for a moment...when I was younger I had an incredibly nice beard, full and black with streaks of auburn in it. The girls used to love running their fingers through it and it was awesome...wait, I lost my train of thought for a moment, where was I? Yes, anyway, I had a nice beard when I was young. And now that I am older my beard has turned white. Before my DE days I used to grow a beard every winter and for several weeks as it grew in I looked like a hobo and it looked terribly scraggly. People used to come up to me and offer me money..."Here buddy, you look like you are down on your luck here's a few bucks for some coffee".

So back to your dilemma...if you have a nice beard the kind that people go "WOW!...what a nice beard"...I say grow it back and enjoy it before you end up looking like a grey hair scraggly old goat like me. And the fact that it is for a BFF...all the more reason. You only go this way once...
Another option...grow a fabulous mustachio...you got the genetics for a nice one....and keep shaving (That's the route I took...have a mustache for 40+ years)

Or while you are growing your beard...just remember there are other parts of your body that you can start shaving...if you are concerned about letting your shaving gear gather dust...just saying...
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Needs milk and a bidet!
In roughly 10 days I'll be growing a beard for at least a year.....

Today I win this off the bay

$Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 7.56.37 PM.png

Guess I won't be saving money during this beard growing! BAD and RAD!


Needs milk and a bidet!
Vintage Wilkies are great razors.

I didn't think I was going to win. I thought my max bid was low. Guess not!
For the price I paid I'm happy. They are one of my top 2 blades. Coupled with what I have already, plus these, and Gillette Spoilers that I have.....I'd say I'm set for many many many years to come.

But I just can't pass up great deals!
The beard, the kilt, the shaved legs and the boots... you're all set.
Yes, yes, yes grow the beard and enjoy!
You will also avoid being a follower trendy hipster who is like 4 years late to the beard game. If you continue with a shaven face you will be a trendsetter and leader....your choice , but food for thought.

The key to not being a hipster is not even worrying what's trendy or not in the first place, and just doing what you want. That, and not wearing fedoras.

RIP fedoras. You used to be classy.
Yeah, I've spent enough money on shaving supplies that I can't justify growing a beard. I will grow one out for No Shave November, but afterwards I'll go back to shaving every few days. I used to hate shaving, but I don't mind it so much anymore. I would never shave on a daily basis for the fun of it, but I look forward to my shaves after I start looking a little scruffy.
The key to not being a hipster is not even worrying what's trendy or not in the first place, and just doing what you want. That, and not wearing fedoras.

RIP fedoras. You used to be classy.

How not to be a hipster
part one.
Do not tell every one about how much better you are than them, this includes smug or condescending looks.
Do not do things Ironically.
Keep listening to your favorite band even if they become well known.

Do not tell every one about what you eat and drink, why and how a proten gluten vegan vege diet is better than what ever they eat.
play golf.
were cloths that match.
Don't dress like a lumber jack

what lumber jacks actually look like.

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So a guy grows a beard, and all of a sudden he's now a "hipster"?

I better call my dad and let him know that he's been a hipster for about 40 years now.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I've been hearing the hipster word thrown around here for about 2 years like its a bad thing.

I'm not even sure why it matters to anyone.

I equate being a hipster to...let's say...getting out of bed in the morning and putting my left foot down before my right foot. Absolutely has no significance to anything.
I've been hearing the hipster word thrown around here for about 2 years like its a bad thing.

I'm not even sure why it matters to anyone.

I equate being a hipster to...let's say...getting out of bed in the morning and putting my left foot down before my right foot. Absolutely has no significance to anything.

It shouldn't matter.

Funny thing is I can think of no more a "hipster" activity than to spend a ton of money on vintage shave gear, or smoking pipes, or using fountain pens, or 95% of the things talked about in the haberdashery section. :tongue_sm
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