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Three piece mild razor without breaking the bank?

Does such a beast exist? I'm looking to go fairly deep into the world of mild razors but I want to use my heavy handles. I have had a DE89, I want something even milder. I will not spend the money for a Feather, ATT, or iKon. What options are out there?
Tech all the way. A solid, indestructible quality piece of shaving gear that costs very little.
Merkur 15C or 25C . Open comb, and I wouldn't call it "super mild". Excellent razor if you want to shave one-week stubble. I use the head with a Bulldog handle (80mm).


My elbows leak
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Gillette Tech.
There's a reason Gillette sold these for so many years even through the TTO and Adjustable periods - they work great and people knew it and bought them.
I have heard that vintage Techs are quite mild - to buy one, I would look for replated ones from Krona Kruiser on b/s/t.

Open combs - Merkur 1904 OC (many variations) is very mild. Almost as mild but a much better shaver for me is the Gillette New short comb.
Wilkinson sword de classic. Heavy duty plastic but very mild. $9.99 on italian barber. Great razor for the price. I have 3. Never fails.
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