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Those of you with personal shave dens are so lucky

I share an apartment with my 84 yo Dad
I get up and shave at 7am - he gets up and shaves at 8am
I get the bathroom to myself for a whole hour every morning

My best advice would be to get up earlier in the morning
It takes a while for the self discipline to kick in, but you'll soon get used to the new routine and getting up before anybody else will pay dividends
You never get caught up in a traffic jam on the extra mile !!
I'm up before 5am so either shave then or late at night when going to bed. Had my kids wanting to watch me shave at the weekends but they end up arguing with each other (no Zen moments). Just have one bathroom that as soon as I go to have a bit of me time to shave every man and his dog seem to come in. Such is life!
Pick the right time, missus likes watching soap operas so my shave time coincides with the brain numbing programmes, as for kids they have their own bathroom to shave in
I recommend you to convert to a night shaver. There is the silence of night and no need to mind the time to go to work.
I don't have my own shave den. I do have my own sink in the bathroom though which until recently seemed to work great...but it seems lately my wife finds a way to mess up my Zen moments... wether it is going in there because the kids made a mess or she has to use the toilet or she takes a bath.

How do the others that have to share your bathroom keep from getting enterupted?

I have a master bath and a guest bath. I get up earlier than the wife and I didn't want to wake her (and the dogs) so I moved my shaving stuff to the other bath. I know this isn't always possible though. You just might need to find a time to shave when the bathroom is all yours. Hope you figure it out!
I recommend you to convert to a night shaver. There is the silence of night and no need to mind the time to go to work.
I already do shave at night because mornings at my house are world war 3. Besides that she beats me in the early morning thing as she brings the kids to school and works farther away from the house than I do....I live maybe a quarter mile from work tops.

I have a master bath and a guest bath. I get up earlier than the wife and I didn't want to wake her (and the dogs) so I moved my shaving stuff to the other bath. I know this isn't always possible though. You just might need to find a time to shave when the bathroom is all yours. Hope you figure it out!
There for a while I thought I had the perfect time figured out which was when the 2 boys had her distracted with bed time routine. I will sneak off prep my shave hop in the shower and then start my shave...but late by pass 2 it has been interrupted. We have the kids bathroom but to take a shower in there I would have to pick up bath toys, and then the shower head is not as awesome as the one I put in my stand alone shower in my bathroom and then the sink space is way smaller.
IMO job #1 is to keep peace in the family! That means that I get a corner while LOTH gets 80% (or more) of the bathroom counter space.

Now my shop is another matter entirely! :lol: I have a good bit of shaving stuff stashed there (and no complaints!) YMMV of course!
I don't have my own shave den. I do have my own sink in the bathroom though which until recently seemed to work great...but it seems lately my wife finds a way to mess up my Zen moments... wether it is going in there because the kids made a mess or she has to use the toilet or she takes a bath.

How do the others that have to share your bathroom keep from getting enterupted?

You are lucky to have your own sink. I was allotted 2 small drawers in the vanity for storage. Obviously not enough so I threw away some clothes and now use one drawer in my chest of drawers. One of my small drawers in the bathroom now houses a stand where I keep my wet brush and razor to dry after use.

I spend more time cleaning the sink, vanity, mirror and floor after shaving than I do actually shaving. If I had my own space I might do this once a week, as it is I either clean it after each use or listen to the woman complain.

Like you, my wife seems to find some reason or another to interrupt me. I ask her if she needs the bathroom and inform her that I will be in there for a bit. She says no and inevitably she needs to come in and pee or something while I'm shaving. There has been more than one time when whatever she needed to do in there required me to leave the bathroom altogether, face lathered up and now sitting at the kitchen table waiting for her to get the **** out of the bathroom. That pretty much ruins the "Zen" aspect of it for me.

Thinking about erecting a slop sink and mirror either in the backyard or in the shed.
I'm another early riser, what with sharing a New York City apartment with wife and child.
My "den" is a plastic box about the size of a shoebox!

I also have the option of using my office gym...which I am about to do.
There is an auxiliary "den" in one drawer of a filing cabinet.
This is awesome. I wish my 3 daughters took this much interest in my shaving. They do love to smell all my soaps though then debate what they like best.
My daughter is 13 now, but I remember well when she was little watching me shave. Then I'd chase her around the house with my shave brush and dab some lather on her nose! :laugh: Good times!
I still live at home and my sister is the one lucky enough to have her own bathroom. I just have ONE single shelf in the main bathroom to keep all my shaving stuff. I'm lucky enough to have that though!! I usually shave at night which is a big help to the problem
I have 2 1/2 baths, both full baths have two sinks. My wife moved into the second one so we both have plenty of room without getting in each others way. That way we can both do our thing at the same time without tripping over each other and have plenty of space for our stuff. Couldn't believe she agreed to this but she's actually so happy I've taken this much interest in grooming.
My wife and I share a bathroom, but I usually shave in the morning around 5 or 6 when she is asleep. If I do an afternoon shave, I just ask if she has to use the bathroom before I tell her I'm going in for a shave. She knows I will be in there for 20 minutes or so, so she doesn't disturb me while I'm in there. It seems to work just fine.
Late riser and no lock on the bathroom door, i usually don't get up until my wife and daughter are gone. When they are home they're forewarned that my time is about to begin, i wait for the all clear to start and it's extremely rare for there to be an interruption.

Yep! Up early and shave while my wife is still asleep. We're empty nesters; so no kids around. Woo Hoo! BTW ... I noticed that guys in this thread and other threads sometimes refer to their wife as "the wife". I did that in her presence ... Once. I got an icy stare and a snarky reply ... So you put me in the same category as "the car", "the lawnmower", "the tool shed".
So, beware guys from someone who's been married for 40 years. LOL
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