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Thinking of starting with a Pipe...

So I'm considering getting a pipe. I have done a fair amount of research, but there is at least as much out there on pipes as there is on shaving so I'm a little lost.

I would love to get a nice quality pipe, hopefully at a decent price. I'm leaning Peterson, but who knows. I also know that I want the (in my opinion) very traditional looking bent stem rounded bowl type deal. I'm open to suggestions though.

Long story short, I'm looking for input. And of course if anyone has anything they think might fit my taste, shoot me a PM because I'm loaded with shave goodies I could trade (thought I know that runs the risk of becoming more of a WTB or WTT add... which is not my real intention, I'm mainly looking for input.)

I can help you with this. A Peterson is a fine place to start. Stanwell and Brebbia are great also. Go to a local shop, if you can and also check out there "basket pipes". What these are are $20-25 pipes that you can buy and just see if you like to smoke a pipe before you commit to a more expensive pipe like a Peterson. That would be my suggestion. Also, "estate pipes" are a great way to get premium pipes at reasonable prices.
Also the most valuable resource out there is:
Great bunch of people over there.
I don't smoke in any other form as of right now, but I did smoke cigarettes for several years (I know, I'm a bad boy, etc.). I have been looking into an estate pipe, but that is one of the many places I get lost. I know there are at least two places in town that sell pipes, so I will have to check into them.
I can help you with this. A Peterson is a fine place to start. Stanwell and Brebbia are great also. Go to a local shop, if you can and also check out there "basket pipes". What these are are $20-25 pipes that you can buy and just see if you like to smoke a pipe before you commit to a more expensive pipe like a Peterson. That would be my suggestion. Also, "estate pipes" are a great way to get premium pipes at reasonable prices.
Also the most valuable resource out there is:
Great bunch of people over there.

Yep. All there is to know can be found there. Great resource.
Whatever you do though, go to a storefront where you can look at the pipe and hold it in your hands. Pipe smoking is a multi-sensory experience so if you don't like the feel of the pipe in your hands, no matter how beautiful it is you won't like your smoke.

Savinelli is a great brand and quite affordable for how high quality it is. Erik Nording pipes are nice, too, and quite unique, but mine smokes really hot so it's better for a cooler burning tobacco.

Enjoy, my friend!
+1 on smokersforums they're a good bunch, you might also like to check out the pipe smokers social group here on the B&B.

The first pipe I ever bought was a Pete System 314, and I've been very happy. I do recommend starting with a decent pipe and there are some good ones that can be had for less. However, when it comes to taking abuse and still coming up roses it is pretty hard to beat the Pete System Pipes. I did every disorganized jackasstic thing you could do to a pipe when I started and the Pete was never hurt and never failed. If you don't want to spend the $80-$90 on one I understand and could point you towards some decent smokers for about half that. If you have the extra though that would be my recommendation.
I don't smoke in any other form as of right now, but I did smoke cigarettes for several years (I know, I'm a bad boy, etc.). I have been looking into an estate pipe, but that is one of the many places I get lost. I know there are at least two places in town that sell pipes, so I will have to check into them.

If you want, I could send you a couple of pipes that I just do not smoke that much, in fact very rarely. One is a Lorenzo Canadian straight grain and the other is a Lorenzo Spitfire bent [rusticated]. They would be perfect for your 1st pipes.
Then, you can start obsessing over tobacs which there are about a million and 1 to choose from. Aromatic, non-aro, latakia, perique...let the fun begin!!!:001_tt2:
me also. Can't recommend the Peterson enough. I switched from cigarettes over 15 years and have not looked back. I have started rolling my own pipe tobacco cigarettes for those times the pipe can be smoked.
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+1 to both estate pipes and to finding a good brick and mortar. A good one is one where you can trust and feel comfortable with the people who own and run it - that is especially important if you're buying an estate pipe from them. My own experience (at Uhle's in Milwaukee) was fantastic and I was able to get a much nicer pipe than I could have afforded otherwise.
Consider a corn cob pipe if you've never smoked before. Don't need to be broken in and taste great right away and are very cheap. If you enjoy it, then you can find something you like!
I have some very nice pipes, but I still think a good place to start is a corncob. They cost almost nothing, there is almost no break-in, and you get a great smoke. It is true that you won't look very sophisticated smoking it, but I like the look! It is very casual.

I am also fond of Meerschaum pipes. They are not cheap, but they give a nice, cool smoke.


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Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I would not recommend getting a brier pipe to start with. If you buy a good one you'll need to properly break it in and without practice char the rim lighting over and over again. A cheap basket pipe may not smoke well at all and you'll just be frustrated.

Instead get a Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipe and a pouch of Prince Albert. You will also need a tamp and some pipe cleaners. All this can be had for $10. Practice filling the pipe and lighting and tamping with the cob and then when you are decent at it after a couple weeks or a month you can move on to bigger and better pipes, and you'll already have the basic skills to fill it properly keep it lit and smoking cool.
Corncob pipes are a good way to start. If you'd rather start with briar, don't dismiss Dr Grabow. Especially the older estate ones. Back in the day, they were just as good as anything else out there. Ones in good condition can be fond on ebay pretty cheaply.

a decent option is ebay. type in estate pipe. Go with a seller with a very high rating. Ask them if it has been sterolized ( this is not hard to do and easy to find the info on online if not, see you tube. you can pick up a decent pipe, ALREADY BROKEN in for cheap!
Already broken in is important! I hate breaking in a new pipe! Peterson's are the worst, but one of my favorite pipes when broken in properly! I have 8-10?
Another hint, most new pipe smokers go with an Flavoured tobacco ( Aromatic ) they are cased in suger flavouring and so smoke VERY hot. Puff slowly!!! or go to a tobacco shop and ask for a mild cool smoke. Good luck, a hobby that I find helps keep my smile!
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