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Thinking about this for a shaving bowl

I thought about using something similar; what discouraged me was I thought that the side walls wouldn't be high enough and my brush would come out. I got a mug which had higher sides but I knock the sides to much. I'm thinking of getting something like a teacup to try.
Just last week I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and found a latte mug to use as a lather bowl. It's a bit on the large side, but it works really well for me. Pretty nice looking too, nice glaze colors on it. The best part, it was 4 bucks with the obligatory 20% off coupon.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
You know you guys can dot the bottom of those smooth cups with 100% silicone to replicate the texture often found on the clay scuttles.:wink: If you are especially skilled you can do that spiral motif as well as the webbed design.
That is similar to the shaving bowl I have on order with Robert Becker. Check out his website WWW.RABFEATSOFCLAY.COM
its the 003 under the shaving bowls (not scuttles). I got the desert tortoise . I like the idea of the handle, and it is deep enough to keep the lather in.
You know you guys can dot the bottom of those smooth cups with 100% silicone to replicate the texture often found on the clay scuttles.:wink: If you are especially skilled you can do that spiral motif as well as the webbed design.

Awesome Idea Kent! I'm going to try this on a junk bowl just to see what it's like.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Awesome Idea Kent! I'm going to try this on a junk bowl just to see what it's like.

If it doesn't come out right the first time a liberal amount of denatured alcohol will clean it all off for another try.
You know you guys can dot the bottom of those smooth cups with 100% silicone to replicate the texture often found on the clay scuttles.:wink: If you are especially skilled you can do that spiral motif as well as the webbed design.

What a great idea. It never occurred to me. Is this the silicone in the tube you find at places like Home Depot and Lowes? How long does it take to dry and is it a pain to clean up?
I just don't find these types of bowls retain enough heat to keep my lather warm for my second or third pass. I have tried keeping them in the water while I shave, but still no luck. I also find it gets in the way while I am rinsing my razor during my shave. I made the investment and bought one of the double walled scuttles and I just find it works so much better. Also costs a lot more I know, but I think it is worth it.
I use a couple very similar bowls. A modern one from Target and an vintage one. I find both work well. I also use a rice bowl occasionally I picked JP at Target. They all seem to hold heat about the same, but not near the level of a DB scuttle. I just fine the DB so big and cumbersome.
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