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Thinking about a 1904 OC

...as the title suggests. I don't presently own an OC.
I use a 39C and I love it.

Just thought maybe the 1904 would be a bit different. I know it size makes it nimble and easy to maneuver. I know it might be a bit more mild, and that's ok. This would possibly be a daily shaver, where right now I am shaving every 2nd to 3rd day since I like the way the Sledge mows down growth. I don't feel too concerned about weight and I rather like the idea of a vintage look of a modern razor.

I have no luck finding a NEW short comb in nice shape on the bay, and quite honestly some of the prices are insane.

Suggestions welcome!
try a "wtb" in the b/s/t you never know, though i think 1904's dont show up around anywhere all that often, not sure how different they are from other old type OC's, but you could always swing by the BOTOC thread and ask what people prefer, i believe the NEW is slightly milder then the old types but the few i have spoke to on the matter prefered the shaves from the old types to the NEWs
For the dollar value the are a great shaver....very mild and a good open comb to start with. It's about as mild as the DE89 for comparison...matched with a good blade, you will really enjoy the 1904.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I love mine, it's a very traditional style open comb (think 100+ years old!). The handle can get a little slippery though.
+1 with nemo. I love mine, old style traditional look and a nice mild shaver. Handle can get slick but I find only some soaps seem to do that.
Well after much debate, the 1904 OC has been ordered. I am looking forward to my first OC. The price was great so it was hard to pass up.
I hear the 1904 OC shares the same head as the pre 2011 r41 OC. If this is true, I loved the smoothness of that razor head!! U got a special razor coming to u.
I hear the 1904 OC shares the same head as the pre 2011 r41 OC. If this is true, I loved the smoothness of that razor head!! U got a special razor coming to u.

It is the same head as the 2010 Muhle R41....I have both and both are excellent razors. For under $30 new for a 1904 OC it is hard to beat.....less money than a used 2010 Muhle R41
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The 1904 OC is an outstanding choice a first open comb. If you fine the handle to be too slippery you can pair it was another handle.
The 1904 OC is an outstanding choice a first open comb. If you fine the handle to be too slippery you can pair it was another handle.
+1 I use the 1904 often, but the handle is stored away. The handle is short, slippery and not very well finished. I have switched mine with a fat handle Tech handle and really enjoy using that razor. It is my go-to for testing new blades or software.
I hear the 1904 OC shares the same head as the pre 2011 r41 OC. If this is true, I loved the smoothness of that razor head!! U got a special razor coming to u.

Same head on the following razors


R41 (2010 model)
R101 (2010 model)
R102 (2010 model)
1904's are a great razor plus they're relatively inexpensive. They're a great mild shaver.

I agree. My 1904 shaves like the Edwin Jagger DE89, in my opinion. My other open-comb, a long-comb Goodwill, is definitely more aggressive. However, I tried it (the 1904) once on a longer Tradere handle and it became much more aggressive! That's the only time it ever nicked me.
I agree. My 1904 shaves like the Edwin Jagger DE89, in my opinion. My other open-comb, a long-comb Goodwill, is definitely more aggressive. However, I tried it (the 1904) once on a longer Tradere handle and it became much more aggressive! That's the only time it ever nicked me.

I too like to switch out to my Tradere handle ... the added weight helps me with more than 2 days growth
Interesting comments about changing up the handle. I will definitely keep it in mind.
And the wait for this baby continues. I am excited.
She arrived in the post today. I cannot wait to have some growth to shave with this thing. I love the way it looks.
Well after much debate, the 1904 OC has been ordered. I am looking forward to my first OC. The price was great so it was hard to pass up.

You'll be glad you did. I have one and despite buying and selling a bunch of DE's, the 1904 is still here in the rotation.
Well I gave it a go this morning. The 1904 paired with a 7 O'clock yellow. I can already tell I am not a fan of the blade. I was expecting a mild shave but this was underwhelming. I was able to achieve DFS with a 2 pass shave. Given that this is my first time with the 1904, I am going to keep practicing with it a bit, but I may change the blade. As far as the actual razor however, I do like how light and easy to maneuver she is. I can see how someone would like this razor for touch ups or buffing. So far my 39c still reigns supreme....but the 1904 needs a couple more shaves on it before I make up my mind.
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