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Things to do When You Are Bored

SWMBO's sister and brother-in-law live in Kansas, currently under 4" of snow with more to come. He gets Fridays off, she's a librarian at the local junior high which called a snow day.

Needless to say, they are stuck inside and bored to tears. He however, is quite the resourceful lad. She sends the following email...

Subject: Only my Husband

Leave it to Frank...

What to do when you are bored...

1. Kill a few Flies

2. Put them in the sun to dry for one hour.

3. Once they are dry, pick a pencil and paper... Let your imagination flow.

Here are a few examples...
Gives a new meaning to fly paper.

Glad I'm not a fly on the wall in their home.

Bored? Why no -- time is flying by.
If I've said said it once I'll say it a million more times and no ones immune that Bordom does strange things to the mind.

Wonderfully funny thanks :lol:
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