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The Worst Blade

Ive only tried 5 different kinds so far to date but hands down personna lab blues is the worst and the only one ive used so far that i would not use again.
This is a horrible blade. I have tried about 5-6 different blades from 2-3 different packs in about 5 different razors. Each shave is basically an exercise in pulling the blades out of the skin instead of actually shaving. Oh the horror...
Cool. You're a tough man.

What are your nominations?
Call it fake or "stolen QC bypassed batch", the Chinese label read "Gillette Super Blue". I only had to use it for half a stroke to know it was not for me and to grab another blade loaded razor. The good news is that I got my money back, including shipping costs.
I bought some no name brand from Xpect Discounts a while back. They were so awful that I couldn't even bare a single shave with them. I tried one more... just as bad as the first. Tossed them all out.
They all work fine for me not because I'm better than you or anyone else, but because I use a great razor: Mühle R41.
In this razor I get great shaves from everything I've tried.
In fact Shark SS, on this thread commonly listed as the worst, is my go-to blade. I struggle to detect that "just shaved" discomfort, especially evident on the neck, which is tingly and slightly itchy. Otherwise known as irritation I guess.
It's simply the smoothest blade out there. And I get BBS all the time, shaving daily with just a change of blade every Saturday.
Happy times. Thank you Merkur.
So far for me Merkur, I still have several to try in my sample bundle but the Merkur are so so good and I still have several left :001_rolle
Indian Wilkinsons by Gillette. First blade I have not been able to finish a shave with. I did one pass on my face that was extremely uncomfortable, and when I rinsed I couldn't even tell I had done a pass.
Worst blade (since I came back to DE shaving after decades of being away) >>>

A Feather in a Feather Popular razor. Couldn't even leave the house for a couple hours - face looked I had used an electric sander to shave with. Never again!!!
One blade I remember as being horrible is the Laser made in India.
I've only been DE shaving for about a year, and have only tried probably five or six brands of blade, so I don't really have a nomination of my own. But, nonetheless, I would like to mention a few things...

(1) Considering that I nearly gave up learning to DE shave, only pushing through because I was stubborn (I spent good money on that razor), I would like to offer my thanks to you, the online shaving community. Because of online fora like this one, the Merkur blade that came with my 34c a year ago lies buried beneath all my other blades, still in its original wrapper. I do not intend to open it, at least for a long time to come.

(2) I read through all nine pages of posts, and it seems like every blade out there is hated by at least one person. Everything from Feathers to unheard-of third-world brands made the bottom some person's list. Notably absent from the entire thread so far (notably to me, at least) is my go-to blade: Voskhod. It doesn't seem to make the top of the list for too many people, but I think the fact that nine pages have gone by without mention of it speaks to its quality.

(3) I'll be replenishing some supplies with an online purchase in the next couple of months, and I'm seriously reconsidering some of the blades I was wanting to try, as they made the bottom of many people's lists. Specifically Shark and Dorco 301.
Lord blades for me. Though I still have the pack of Merkur blades that came with my Bakelite. After reading all the horror posts I lacked the ambition to give them a shot. Though it amazes me how a manufacturer of damned good razors could make crap blades. One of these days I'll give them a shot.
I have a fast growing, coarse beard and find that, with good face prep and lather, I can get a good shave with almost any blade. However, my least favorite of those I've tried, on longevity grounds is Dorco 300's -- I can only get 2 or 3 good shaves per blade before they begin to pull and knick. My least favorites on economic grounds is any blade that cost more than $.14/blade in bulk.
Ive only tried 5 different kinds so far to date but hands down personna lab blues is the worst and the only one ive used so far that i would not use again.

Sorry i was confused it is the made in usa personnas i was refering to not the lab blues. I felt i needed to correct myself. while im at it i will add sharks to the list of blades i do not like at all. im up to about 12 different blades ive tried now.
Although it is (apparently, have never shaved with them) a love-or-hate blade, there are fake SGB blades out there, that are hard to distinguish from the real thing. Perhaps you are one of the unlucky ones?

Indeed, it seems the super blues that have come free with cheap razors I have gotten here (in China) have been terrible blades, while the ones I have bought at a supermarket here have actually been really good blades.
I don't quite understand how it would be worth it to go trough the trouble to make a fake of such an inexpensive product, but counterfeits of already cheap products are widely available here.
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