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The Shave Den Old Spice Scent

Does any one know if the shave den's shave cream and aftershave milk-old spice scents-smells like the original shulton formulations or the new "classic" scent. Ive read on this forum that most people prefer the original scent to the classic new scent. Are they really that different?
It's subjective, but most folks here think that the Shulton is deeper and spicier than the P&G classic formula, that gets described as brighter, more floral and powdery.

It also varies from product to product. The P&G Classic Body Wash is very reminiscent vintage Shulton. The Classic body spray, now discontinued, is said to be in the same league. I've no experience with the spray, but really like the body wash. No doubt it will be discontinued shortly. I've also never tried the classic pit stick, but I've heard that it's close to the vintage scent.

The new classic cologne, to my nose, isn't bad but it's not like the Shulton version. It's clearly a lighter scent with powder notes that fade after a time. The new classic after shave is the worst offender, it's watery and floral.

Thankfully, Vi-Jon labs makes an aftershave clone that is close to the Shulton scent and dirt cheap. Check out your local dollar store.

As to soaps, Mama Bear has Aged Spice, and several members say it's very close to the Shulton scent. I haven't tried it but it's on my birthday wish list (Are you reading my posts, honey?:biggrin:). I've had good luck "spiking" glycerin soaps, and vintage Old Spice soap with either P&G or vintage Old Spice cologne. The vintage Old Spice shaving soap tends to lose the scent after a decade or so, it seems.

I haven't heard any reports on the Shave Den offerings.
Thankfully, Vi-Jon labs makes an aftershave clone that is close to the Shulton scent and dirt cheap. Check out your local dollar store.

Also, on the advice of someone yesterday, I found out that cvs aftershave (spice scent) is also very similar to the glass bottle old spice scent.
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