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The Scandal Sheet: Straights and other stuff

Thanks for the kind thoughts, fellows. I appreciate it.

I pulled out the remains of my tub of Desairology. I haven't touched it for about a year, I think, but I wanted to give it another run after reading some posts in the Clubs and Brotherhoods. It's great soap, I damn near 3017'd it last year but the remaining chunks got a little gooey so I set it aside to dry out and never came back to it. I smooshed the chunks together and loaded in the tub and then built the lather as best I could in the bowl. Still had some soap fragments in the lather but no biggy.

The scent is still very strong. If anything, stronger. But I think I'm really continuing to lean toward low-scent/no-scent soaps, MdC notwithstanding, as those scents are a little lighter but also simpler. Which I like.

Performance was just ok. I'm spoiled by Stirling and MdC. It is a slick soap, but maybe it's a different kind of slickness. Ironically it was fine for the straight. Where it came up a little short was with the DE, I had a little more drag than I wanted, and the splash stung a little where I had buffed. But overall it was an excellent shave. And, the postshave feel of Southern Witchrafts is top notch. Really great.

The straight was the Riga, managed not to hit my glasses this time. DE was the Short Comb with a new Treet 7 Day. I decided to banish the Permasharp. Life's too short.

I have another, well actually two, razors coming. Found a New SC on ebay in good shape and with what I believe is the original SC-specific top cap. I'm curious to see if that makes a difference. It was in a lot with a LC that is going to need some TLC although it's probably functionally just fine. I'll probably clean it up and decide what to do with it. Ironically, these two razors are coming from a town about an hour west of here. They got mailed yesterday, hit the St Paul sort facility last night and then across town to the Minneapolis sort facility (this is the usual progression). And... as of this morning, they are back in the original town.

If this sounds familiar, it's because it is. The LC that I bought from the BST, which came from Denmark, originally went TO THE SAME TOWN after the Minneapolis hub. I can't help but laugh.

Also my kids found a small frog in the living room this morning. He looks hairy because he accidentally hopped into a pile of dog fur. We let him go outside. How the cat didn't get him first, I'll never know. Also, the dog... ate a bunch of Reese's mini peanut butter cups from my son's room. Probably nowhere near enough to kill him (he's about 100lbs) but enough that he has been needing a lot of trips outside and was agitated in the middle of the night and decided to knock over the kitchen garbage and spread it around. Mrs. Scandalous is home with him monitoring him...based on his behavior I'm guessing he ate it a day and a half ago so we are holding off on a vet visit unless he seems to get worse.

Take care, guys.
I had a dog once who somehow was able to unwrap and eat a whole bag of tootsie roll pops. She was a "miniature" Schnauzer, miniature in quotes because ole girl weighed almost 20 lbs. She was fine, nothing at all happened to her. The quality of chocolate in Reses may not be that great thus the risk is less. And a puppers that weighs 100 lbs helps all the more. Symptoms should have shown up long ago, typically 6-12 hours after said puppy snack. A small dog with quality chocolate may be an issue.
I had a dog once who somehow was able to unwrap and eat a whole bag of tootsie roll pops. She was a "miniature" Schnauzer, miniature in quotes because ole girl weighed almost 20 lbs. She was fine, nothing at all happened to her. The quality of chocolate in Reses may not be that great thus the risk is less. And a puppers that weighs 100 lbs helps all the more. Symptoms should have shown up long ago, typically 6-12 hours after said puppy snack. A small dog with quality chocolate may be an issue.
I agree, and this isn't his first rodeo. I'm sure the peanut butter is doing a lot towards purging his guts. LOL. Stupid dog. Got a head like an anvil and a brain like a walnut.
I had a dog once who somehow was able to unwrap and eat a whole bag of tootsie roll pops. She was a "miniature" Schnauzer, miniature in quotes because ole girl weighed almost 20 lbs. She was fine, nothing at all happened to her. The quality of chocolate in Reses may not be that great thus the risk is less. And a puppers that weighs 100 lbs helps all the more. Symptoms should have shown up long ago, typically 6-12 hours after said puppy snack. A small dog with quality chocolate may be an issue.
What is it in the chocolate that's problematic, the caffeine? the alkaloids?
Well, first. The dog is doing great. No more frogs in the living room. Grabbed my Hoshi Tombo and the Retro with a Feather for Frameback/Fatip/Feather Friday. Lather courtesy of Stirling Beeswax and RV/Semogue boar. Still had a bit of fragrance from the Desairology yesterday. Just about the right amount, actually.

Everything was smooth, effective, and close. Finished with Myrsol Limón.

I'm off to get an MRI of my head now. I doubt they'll find anything...maybe this:


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Survived the MRI. It was a little loud. The last time I had a cranial MRI they had headphones to listen to music but I guess they don't fit in the head cradle for this machine. So I pretended I was at an experimental music festival and that was that.

I got a call from my son this morning as I was finishing up. I had mentioned rather obliquely a while back that there is a situation brewing between him and his mother (my ex-wife). It is...coming to a head now. So the next few days/weeks/months may be a little interesting.
Survived the MRI. It was a little loud. The last time I had a cranial MRI they had headphones to listen to music but I guess they don't fit in the head cradle for this machine. So I pretended I was at an experimental music festival and that was that.

I got a call from my son this morning as I was finishing up. I had mentioned rather obliquely a while back that there is a situation brewing between him and his mother (my ex-wife). It is...coming to a head now. So the next few days/weeks/months may be a little interesting.
Good news on the MRI, not so much on your son and his mother. I have dealt with the same kinds of things. The best thing I did was stay supportive of my son and understanding of his mother's emotions and feelings. Prayers for the best outcome.
Survived the MRI. It was a little loud. The last time I had a cranial MRI they had headphones to listen to music but I guess they don't fit in the head cradle for this machine. So I pretended I was at an experimental music festival and that was that.

I got a call from my son this morning as I was finishing up. I had mentioned rather obliquely a while back that there is a situation brewing between him and his mother (my ex-wife). It is...coming to a head now. So the next few days/weeks/months may be a little interesting.
It's family Señor. No matter what you do to mitigate, advise, counsel or comfort, the one thing you cannot do is ignore it.
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