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The razors that every safety razor user should try

If you had to pick 10 safety razors that every safety razor user should try, what would they be?

Thought it would be interesting to hear what some of the long term members/shavers think. This is not about what you think is the best razor for you, but rather 'the classics' that are a must shave with.
hd 34c
hd slant bar

superspeed flair tip
fatboy or slim adjustable

schick krona
schick injector razor

edwin jagger DE89L
40s SS
Later Model Schick Injector
Gem 1912
Rolls Razor

Not in any real order...
To me it's more about "different" "shaves" than specific models

3 piece open comb ( New/New improved) - check
Adjustable (Slim/Fatboy) - check
Slant - check
Straight - check
British Aristocrat - check
GEM - check
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Gillette Tech
Gillette Superspeed
Gillette Slim/ Fatboy
Gillette Red Tip Superspeed
Schick Injector
Gem 1912
Gem G Bar
Any razor with the new Edwin Jagger/ Muhle head
Any razor with the new Lord "merkur" like head.

If had to pick just one must try razor, it would be the Gillette Tech: it's a wonderful simplistic design, and mild so it will be forgiving of less than perfect technique.
A very biased list needless to say since I have only tried DEs that appeal to me:

Gillette superspeed (perhaps the icon of DE razors)
Gillette Fatboy
An open comb Gillette TTO (1934, Senator, #15...)
An early Gillette 3 piece open comb
Late 1940s Gillette Aristocrat/President
Schick Krona
Wilkinson Sticky
Merkur Slant
Parker 22R
Muhle R89 (old style)

Need to run these with a variety of blades.

Actually, this is quite close to my current rotation.
Is ER Emergency Room? I haven't tried a Gem but I didn't think they were that aggressive.

ER = EverReady.

Gem, EverReady, and Star were all making very similar razors during that time period. The very popular 1912 style can be found branded as a Gem, EverReady, or a Star.
In roughly chronological order:

New - at least one variant
Tech - ball and thick handled
Rolls Razor
40's SS
Later Aristocrat
50's Flare SS
Merkur Slant
Merkur 34C
EJ DE89 or 89L

10 is not enough!! Must add a couple o.c. one-piece types like the Senator or old Aristocrat.
Another option, sell all the above and if you're lucky, raise just enough cash to try a Pils!!
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This is my list:

Gem 1912/ ER, the best safety razor I have ever used, period.

Gillette SS (Flare tip)
Gillette Fat boy / slim adjustables
Gillette NEW

Merkur HD
Merkur Slant

I have never gotten a chance to use an injector, sadly, maybe soon!
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