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The Person Below Me "Game"

True - Because I know they are both Ouch
TPBM - will have something other than Turkey for holiday Dinner

True, turkey is way too pricy here. We'll probably have some kind of unorthodox dinner if i have anything to say about it. A poorly cooked chicken every year that I never really eat is something i can certainly do without this year.

TPBM thinks their shaving den is still too small.
False I have only made 2 shaving related purchases in 2 years. However there are a few razors I need to add to my collection.

TPPBM'S grape of choice is Pinot
False but i have it where it counts............ I've got a big head and it's full of hair until I go bald like my dad at 28 :lol:.

TPBM will be crieftwich.
Depends on the fruitcake.

TPBM had a great weekend and met a B&B member.

False, a same old same old kind of weekend for me.

TPBM can tell me if Steve here is also an ouch in disguise or which one is ouch.
Correction, should focus more. So ouch is the one on the left? It's hard to tell with you guys and your impeccable shaves.
False Im off Wednesday and Thursday for the first time in 3 years. I have to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday though.

TPBM STILL has not finished Christmas shopping.
True. ~450 miles from VA to SC to visit my wife's in-laws!

TPBM is looking forward to finally making some shaving purchases tomorrow!
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