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The Person Below Me "Game"

False, I have never even been within 100ft of a plane or helicopter in my life. Nor do I play Microsoft Flight Simulator as often as I used to. Feel free to count ocean going u-boat simulators though.

TPBM loves fishing.
False, although I did until fairly recently. Plus you can add CD's to that list as I stream all my music now.

TPMB Memorized the prologue to "Romeo and Juliet".
False, It was never really my type of story. Hamlet is my specialty because I studied it for my English Leaving Cert (equivalent so the US SAT's) and got an A in it so I wasn't half bad. A few years prior to that in English, you'd nearly swear our teacher wanted to take a pound of flesh from everyone in the class.

TPBM gets the whole "pound of flesh" reference I just made. (A hint would be that it has something to do with Venice.)
False. I had enough drained for medical purposes to do it voluntarily also!

TPBM enjoys bowling (I type this from the bowling alley)

TPBM plays cribbage

Tpbm wishes thanksgiving was not overlooked for Christmas shopping.

False, but we clever Canadians just celebrate Thanksgiving earlier.

TPBM loves a good parade.
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