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The one I keep coming back to.

.....is my beloved and stunning British Aristocrat #21 in mint condition. This sat at the back of a dressing drawer for 40 years here in Aust.


What is the one razor you simply have to use t least once a week?


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Beautiful. I have a mint english #21 (different case). My #16 has the same case as yours. The one I need to use evry week is my #20
Have shaved with nothing else but mu Aristocrat #16 since 20th Dec 12. A superb shave and design. I've no case but have a Milord case that does the job from Mr. Razor. The contrast of reds, golds and Rodium silver are quite nice.
Unfortunately I have way too many razors to use any one of them more than once a month.


My never part with list is (in order of preference based on performance)...

Merkur Vision (DE)
Cobra (disposable straight blade injector)
Merkur slant (either one) (DE)
Ever Ready 1924 (SE)
PAL adjustable (injector)

AND... All of my BRW customs for reasons outside of their performance.
My Gillette Tech (believe it or not). It just gives me the smoothest shave I could ask for. I only have the 'travel' model for now, but I have a ball-end version on the way!!!


Needs milk and a bidet!
very purty razor!

I use the Slim more than once, followed by the GEM 1912 SE, followed by the red tip SS, followed by the Merkur 34C.
My Gillette Tech (believe it or not). It just gives me the smoothest shave I could ask for. I only have the 'travel' model for now, but I have a ball-end version on the way!!!

Same for me, I love the Gillette Tech, it is so reliable; plus it is fun to change up the handle for added variety :thumbup:
Out of the 100+ vintage razors I have, my EJ DE87 I picked up from WCS is the one I reach for 9 times out of 10. It gives me by far the best shave.
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