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The movie that gave me the idea to use a brush and cream

I remember in '98-99 timeframe renting the 1973 film "Save the Tiger" staring Jack Lemmon. One early scene shows him lathering up with a mug and brush set and it was then I got the idea to move from the Edge Gel I had been using to a brush and cream. Not sure why...guess I thought it looked cool.

Of course it took me another 13-14 years to move to a DE but here we are.

Tonight I noticed it was on rental from Amazon streaming and I'm watching it. Took a few shots below. It's a really good film and Jack won his 2nd Oscar for it.






Funny thing is, that razor probably didn't have a blade in it, since they probably filmed like 100 takes of this scene.

I wonder if the had the Best Boy whip up all the lather? Jack seems like the kind of actor who makes his own lather for all the scenes he's in... :001_cool:
OH... that's a great story of what lead you to DE shaving, by the way. I am always curious what leads people into traditional wet shaving... most people don't start out here, and this stuff isn't advertised. Having switched to brush lathering, what made you eventually take the leap all the way to DE shaving?

For me, I was asked to be the Godfather for my nephew. It was right when I was researching a replacement for my electric shaver that was dying, and I knew I couldn't survive daily Mach 3 use. I was researching 'being a godfather' online and found an article on the "Art of Manliness" website, which lead me to an article about how to shave like your grandpa (here!). That lead to Youtube videos with Mantic59, Amazon purchases, B&B forums, etc, and I never looked back.
If so, some were sold with a bladeless dummy cartridge, that if the camera never dallied on the head, might have worked, but the most likely would've been for a prop man to take a Dremel grinder to some cartridges to round off the cutting edges so they would no longer cut, and the makeup man would've applied something in the way of temporary skin coloring to "look like" a days' worth of whiskers, which the lather and unsharp razor would have removed.

P. S. For whatever it's worth, one of my favorite movies he starred in was "The Apartment" with Shirley McLaine.
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Curious as to how many people out there will admit that they use mug/brush but still use a multi-blade razor? I did for a while. Used a Gillette Sensor but still faced lathered with shave creams. Got pretty good shaves too, when I took my time and did a nice three pass shave.
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I'm still amazed by technology. Your watching a 1973 movie that is being sent to your tv through the internet in such high quality. I remember the days of BBS's when it would take an hour to download 1 photo.

The other day my mom sent my son a battery powered tractor. She received the delivery confirmation as soon as it was delivered, I put it together and she watched him ride it for the first time via Facetime on her iPad while I followed him around our yard.
I'm still amazed by technology. Your watching a 1973 movie that is being sent to your tv through the internet in such high quality. I remember the days of BBS's when it would take an hour to download 1 photo.

The other day my mom sent my son a battery powered tractor. She received the delivery confirmation as soon as it was delivered, I put it together and she watched him ride it for the first time via Facetime on her iPad while I followed him around our yard.

Yep - I was talking about the same thing the other day at work. Hell, some day we'll have Face Conforming Micro Laser razors that take the hair off right at skin level with just one pass. Instant BBS...... It could happen....
Yep - I was talking about the same thing the other day at work. Hell, some day we'll have Face Conforming Micro Laser razors that take the hair off right at skin level with just one pass. Instant BBS...... It could happen....

It is amazing.

They already have that - guy I work with had permanent laser hair removal on his face. He had tons of shaving related issues and just went out and lasered it off. Although I would love to shave less M-F, I cannot imagine not having the ability to grow facial hair.

The oddest part about our station of life is that talking to a lot of people you would get the impression that we are at the end of civilization - right under their nose is a spread of technology, information, and expression that makes the Renaissance look like the Dark Ages. I wonder if people during the Renaissance felt the same way... And, conversely I wonder if those alive during the Dark Ages felt like life couldn't get any better.
OH... that's a great story of what lead you to DE shaving, by the way. I am always curious what leads people into traditional wet shaving... most people don't start out here, and this stuff isn't advertised. Having switched to brush lathering, what made you eventually take the leap all the way to DE shaving?

For me, I was asked to be the Godfather for my nephew. It was right when I was researching a replacement for my electric shaver that was dying, and I knew I couldn't survive daily Mach 3 use. I was researching 'being a godfather' online and found an article on the "Art of Manliness" website, which lead me to an article about how to shave like your grandpa (here!). That lead to Youtube videos with Mantic59, Amazon purchases, B&B forums, etc, and I never looked back.

You know the DE thing was kind of an evelution over a couple of years. I believe I came across the exact "Art of Manliness" article you refer to and perhaps lurked a bit on sites like this. Finally plunged full-time into DE in early June and havn't touched my Mach 3 since. Have settled upon a couple of 1940's Super Speeds and Astra SP blades.
My plunge into DE shaving happened almost exactly like Blackbeard's. Art of Manliness frequently has good articles and the one listed above interested me in saving money from cartridges. The excellent shave via traditional wet shaving came secondhand; it was surprising and relaxing. However, there's been no saving of money as razors, creams/soaps, and brushes keep finding their way to my doorstep. Maybe it'll slowdown eventually but I don't see it happening anytime soon. ;)
There is a movie with George Burns and John Denver, where John Denver lathers his face with cream using his fingers and used a DE to shave. I think it was from the 70's. I watched it in a class for college and can't remember exactly what he uses.
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