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The most impressive blade I've ever seen

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Sure looks big. I like square points but not big blades. Largest square-point I've shaved with is a 5/8. Wouldn't mind a pif'd Filly no. 14 though!

Nothing like holding the actual razor in your hands prior to a purchase; but if it's just to look at it, my money's probably best spent elsewhere. 420 Swiss francs would buy a lot on these shores.
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Large and to be respected. I like the 7/8 french point.

My favorite is my Wacker 15/16 with Spanish point.
Heavy, solid, sings like a sparrow, and always delivers a beautiful shave. It is worth every penny of the $350 that she cost me.
My #2 would be my 6/8 stainless Revisor.
I rarely use any of my 5/8 blades anymore.
My favorite is my Wacker 15/16 with Spanish point.
Heavy, solid, sings like a sparrow, and always delivers a beautiful shave. It is worth every penny of the $350 that she cost me.
My #2 would be my 6/8 stainless Revisor.
I rarely use any of my 5/8 blades anymore.

Better sell me your 5/8's then!:thumbup:
Ignorant question but how does the width of a blade affect the quality of the shave? Isn't this something that is rather determined buy your shaving technique and the sharpness of the blade than it's dimension? The difficulty of wider blades for me is that certain parts of my face are harder to trim. For instance the mustache area, where a slimmer blade provides a better reach of the part directly under my nose. What are the pros of a large blade ?
Ignorant question but how does the width of a blade affect the quality of the shave? Isn't this something that is rather determined buy your shaving technique and the sharpness of the blade than it's dimension? The difficulty of wider blades for me is that certain parts of my face are harder to trim. For instance the mustache area, where a slimmer blade provides a better reach of the part directly under my nose. What are the pros of a large blade ?

For whatever reasons, I am more apt to cut myself with, say, a 4/8 blade than a 6/8 blade. I have no trouble shaving with a larger blade, myself. I like that I can usually shave half of my face or more without rinsing a 7/8 + blade. Whereas, I seem to rinse a 5/8 blade much more...So, I guess laziness could be a reason ? That's not to say that I don't like a 5/8, because I do. But usually, I prefer larger blades....
Ignorant question but how does the width of a blade affect the quality of the shave? Isn't this something that is rather determined buy your shaving technique and the sharpness of the blade than it's dimension? The difficulty of wider blades for me is that certain parts of my face are harder to trim. For instance the mustache area, where a slimmer blade provides a better reach of the part directly under my nose. What are the pros of a large blade ?

For me, it's sort of like driving a car. Some guys like to drive enormous gas-guzzling SUVs with automatic transmissions, and some guys like to drive small fuel-efficient sports cars with standard transmissions. If you've got some shaggy growth, then an all-terrain vehicle like a large wedge might get you there. If your beard is shaved daily, like well-maintained urban pavement, then a 4/8 extra full-hollow motor-scooter may be just the ticket. Me, I have a little bit of trouble peering over the hood of a 6/8, so I leave it that--nothing wider. The ubiquitous full-hollow 5/8 "Toyota" remains my preference, pulling out an extra full-hollow when I want an even closer shave, an extra full-hollow 4/8 when I really want to get into the nooks and crannies, and a 1/2- or a 3/4-hollow 6/8 when I want the heft of the blade to do a bit of the work for me.
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Looks like a shoulder less full hollow with a similar blade profile to a filly. I picked up a mint filly #14 a few years ago for 200 bucks, this might be a good alternative in today's market. Btw shavingshop.com has some new and vintage 8/8 razors.
That's a nice looking razor!

It appears to be an Exclusive 7/8 Thiers-Issard 'Dominator' for this UK dealer as I can make out ?
If I am converting £203.45 to USD correctly and not to mention whatever the shipping fee will be....my SWMBO, will kill me with all of the stones,razors, etc that I have recently purchased..But man, I really, really want one of these. If it proves to be a limited edition, I may be sleeping on the sofa for a while.
This is my Revisor Extra

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