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The joy of He-Man... and my son.

For those of you that may remember...

There was a man. A He-Man... and his Masters of the Universe!!!!! It was 1983. It was the coolest show T.V. I had saved up my moneys and bought a lot of those awesome toys as a kid. Over the last 20 years my nephews have played with them and they have been well loved. Now, my son, who is 6 has found the joy of He-Man through Netflix. It it too funny to see him raise a sword and cry out, "I HAVE THE POWER!!!!". OMG... ROTF...

It warms the heart to see my son, 29 years later to be playing with my old toys and watching cartoons with me. It is a dream. :001_wub:
It warms the heart to see my son, 29 years later to be playing with my old toys and watching cartoons with me. It is a dream. :001_wub:
Your 29 year old son just started watching He-Man and playing with your childhood toys:lol::lol:

Great to see options like Netflix resurrect old classics that have seen their share of time on TV but are still brand new to the next generation.
What do you mean "was"????

When I met my now-fiance, she had the complete he-man collection of videotape. I knew right then and there she would be a part of my life for a long time.
That is awesome!
He-Man was da bomb for me as a kid.

I'm going thru pretty much the same thing now with my sons, but with Star Wars.
I even managed to dig out some of the Star Wars toys I had from when I was a kid (at least the ones that survived the Big BB-gun Holocaust that struck so many of my toys in my early teens :biggrin: )

It's great fun & it revives soooo many good old memories from my own childhood.
He Man and Thundercats- pure 80s fun

Speaking of Thundercats, there is a remake of that cartoon on Saturday mornings (Cartoon Network). Not as great as the original, but pretty entertaining. Plus, something feels right with waking up on a Saturday morning and watching cartoons again.
my 5 year old son has been loving the He-man dvd i got him for christmas hoping he would like it like i did when i was a kid, and i too was excited when he loved it....as for scooby, hong kong phooey, grape ape; i loved those too when i was a kid thanks to the USA CARTOON EXPRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


Now half as wise
Now I feel even older. My sons watched He-man, but Michaelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael were their favorites! Turtle Power!
What good is this thread without a pic? I had the toys as well and had a blast with them.

He-Man was the best! I had Castle Greyskull, He-Man, Skeletor and several of the other characters, I loved playing with that set! Too bad hidsight is what it is, should have kept that stuff!

That and the original Transformers from the 80's, the ones that weren't garbage like they are today!
I loved He-Man! It was my favorite. I still have all the toys at my mom's house. I had castle Greyskull and Snake Mountain (loved the microphone). I also used to have a subscription to the He-Man magazine!

Great show. I had a He-man action figure where you put caps (those little exploding things) on him. When you twisted his upper body a spring would swing him back around like he was punching and the cap would go off. What a great toy, he vanquished skelator many timers
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