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THe Hall of Fame


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I had a question that has troubled me for some time on B&B. Im not quite sure what the function of the Hall of Fame thread is. Could someone help me out? Its not really organized so that you can click on peoples names. You throw a post up there, and then it gets lost in the shuffle. Do you obtain some special feature I am not aware of after you have made your hall of fame post? I do hope someone can help me out here...


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I cant believe I have not received one reply to this question. It in all honesty is a legitimate question I have.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Sorry, your post got lost in the shuffle. :lol:

The HOF is just a place for folks to be invited to give a little information on themselves. Not a database or anything.

The newbie clinic generally tells what folks are doing in terms of their shave set up, but the HOF makes it a little more personal and not so clinical.

Win some lose some, if folks post the personal info in the newbie clinic, some folks would complain that it isn't "shaving related" and could we move it somewhere else.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I appreciate your response. I understand the function now :)
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