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Discontinued Shaving Products

I am well known for being totally out of touch with reality. And in this regard I am often the last to know when some beloved shaving product (razor, blades, brushes, soaps, creams, etc. etc) has been discontinued, never to be purchased again. I only recently learned that La Toja and Tabac are now gone! And William's!! How could this be true? I didnt get the memo!! I dont always go through all the forums.

It occurred to me there should be one thread, one place where these "gone forever" products can be posted for all to see. We need "just the facts", not speculation, so some confirmation would be helpful.

Can someone in the loop start this list?


System Generated
Everything with tallow in it.

Here's what I would suggest. There are a ton of threads on discontinued soaps and creams. Do a 'title' search of the word "discontinued" in 'soaps & creams', compile the list and have people add to the list you generate.

If you don't have a starting list, we are just going to end up with 387 posts of soaps and creams with 1/2 being redundant naming of brands.

Do some initial ground work, lay the foundation, do it right.


The Lather Maestro
LMAO at Williams. Just found out it was discontinued. Now all over eBay at $20 and up, lol.

When I joined here I had been using Williams for 20 years, shaving in the shower (with carts). I was told you can't shave with it, by a number of folks. Then a "Club" was formed for it and everyone got excited about it. :D

I used it for years and could lather it with the best of them, but I can't see crying over it. Though it worked, it wasn't anything special. Now Tabac tallow? That's a different story, Thankfully I still have 3 left. I will miss La Toja now, no telling what you're getting on eBay unless they photograph the ingredients and they usually do not.
I can think of two instances where one of my favs disappeared. Mickey Lee Soapworks closed up shop in 2019 because the active-duty military owner relocated and was unable to continue. I can’t really be sad about that and respect their commitment. (But Panty Dropper was the bomb). I also really enjoyed the original Magician soap and especially the balm from Zingariman. The reintroduction of the name isn’t the same. (But still enjoy her other soaps and balms)
Straight Razor Design soaps. SRD was my favorite melt & pour soap & scents. I didn't realize SRD folded until I went to reorder Opus X and West Indies Bay a few years back. I still have some Opus X remaining, which I treat myself to once or twice a year.

I recall a time....Late 1980s....when *everything* disappeared. First from the grocery stores and then from the drug stores. We were stuck with carts and cans.

Fortunately, not all of *everything* had truly disappeared. Some drug stores reverted to carrying Williams mug soap and Palmolive in tubes. Had to get my blades from the surgical supply store though.

So much has come and gone since I began shaving in 1976. It would make for one long list if we started it with Yardley soap and went from there.....

Everything with tallow in it.

Here's what I would suggest. There are a ton of threads on discontinued soaps and creams. Do a 'title' search of the word "discontinued" in 'soaps & creams', compile the list and have people add to the list you generate.

If you don't have a starting list, we are just going to end up with 387 posts of soaps and creams with 1/2 being redundant naming of brands.

Do some initial ground work, lay the foundation, do it right.
I appreciate where you are coming from with your suggestion to do it right. But as you note, "...there are a ton of threads on discontinued soaps and creams". And that's just soaps and creams. I think a discontinued list should include, AS/ASB, blades, razors, fragrances and brushes. Sometimes a title search does not include all discontinued discussions. Sometimes the "discontinued" is buried in the text under the title of a soap or cream, brush, fragrance, etc. The potential list grows longer. At this point we are into spreadsheet territory.

I am not sure there is an easy way to create a clearing house type thread for discontinued products.

A couple of ideas: One way to reduce redundancy is to elimanate the obvious. I think we all know Gillette discontinued the $1.95 Adjustable and Schick no longer makes the Type G razor. And as discontinued products enter the "everyone already knows" category for example, William's or La Toja Cream there should be no need to post this repeatedly.

I envisioned this thread as more of a BREAKING NEWS kind of thread. A one-stop information source for products about to fall off the availability list. Or worse, no longer available. Or a place to post a rumour or false rumor of a product that may be discontinued, with the aim of seeking confirmation.

I am certainly open to other suggestions.
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