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The Flicker is Finito

It's old news, since American Safety Razor says the lifespan was 35 years from 1971, but it's first I heard of this little bit of shaving trivia.

The Flicker, a sort of rotating fixed proto-cartridge razor marketed for women, is no more.

Even if you have zero interest in the passing of a little bit of shaving history, you might get a kick out of seeing how DE razors were being vilified by advertising in 1974.


So a moment of silence for the Flicker, and don't be surprised if your TTO growls at you in the morning.
I remember my mom having these lying around the bathroom when I was a kid. I suppose it wasn't an all too terrible option for women wanting a disposable.
So this worked like the techmatic band razor with a reel of blades?

Not exactly. It had a rotating "wheel" of different cartridge-like heads inside the round handle. Whenever a blade became dull, the forward-thinking 70s lady could rotate to a new blade.

BTW, I never heard my Super Adjustable roar.
I admit to using one once in my teens because I didn't have a razor handy and it was in the shower at the time. It was a very bad shave and the world is better off without them. I think it was also called a Daisy as well, but I could be wrong.
Aww, that poor DE was just misunderstood. That growl was clearly a "pre-eow" roar, not a "roar," roar.

The DE was just trying to say "hey baby, I think you look nice, we should have coffee some time," but she cast aside it's affections like a pile of soiled rags :crying:.
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