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The Easiest Brush Restore Yet !

This has got to be the easiest restore yet, if only they were all this easy. :001_smile

Simms Bakelite

Started normally, cut the bristles and then started to pull some bristles out but...the whole knot fell out. Now what's that under the knot......?

Paper !?!?!?

That's weird, wonder why they put that in in the factory , but then I discover that the the two parts are actually threaded. I'm guessing the previous owner must have put it under there to raise the loft or something ?!?
Pity they didn't use money or something valuable :laugh:

Had a left over 20mm TGN Super, whack it in and guess what....perfect loft ( 44-45mm ) without doing anything, not drilling, no shimming !!!

Cleaned up ( being two parts made it really easy ) , glued in knot.....

Probably less than 1/2 an hour's work !!!! :thumbup:

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And it turned out great too.

Maybe the paper stuffing was to keep the two parts from rattling or something....funny find.
very nice!

did you do this with your travel restore kit at work? :p

Yep, can't you see my work desk in the first shots :001_smile

And it turned out great too.

Maybe the paper stuffing was to keep the two parts from rattling or something....funny find.

Yeah weird ! If anyone wants some good Canadian Apple recipes, there's an address to mail to on one of the pieces :lol:
Fidj, you're a wonder. "Pity it wasn't something valuable". Can you imagine, suppose it was microfiche hidden there from the war with the key to the enemy's code. Or an emerald or ruby from the Great Khan. Or a tiny key to a safety deposit box in Switzerland. Fidj, take the "apple recipe" and carefully hold it over a candle, I'm confident the lost map to El Dorado will appear, or Treasure Island, or Skull Island, the home of the Great Kong. Or.... its just nothing at all. Darjeeling
DJE , you got me thinking....


I've just spent a couple of hours working on it and I think I've decoded the message !!!!


From their web site, they've been going since 1936 :001_smile

Wonder what happens if I write them ??? :001_rolle

Could be useful given that Tassie is known as The Apple Isle.

Tried the flame trick , only thing it did was catch light..not good in office, luckily it didn't spread to the rest of the papers on my desk or set off the fire alarms !!! :biggrin1:

(at least I won't have to shave my eyebrows for a while :lol: )
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