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The blades be a fly’n

Hello everyone!

Being new to DE shaving I have never flown with my shaving kit. Will I be able to fly with spare blades? I won’t be checking any bags, it’s a carry on only trip. Any tips for a soon to be weary traveler?

DE blades will not pass a carry-on inspection. Your brush and soap are probably going to get some strange looks from the TSA agents, but they are legit to carry.

You can mail blades ahead to your destination, buy them when you get there, or do without.

My recommendation would be to leave the DE razor at home and just take along disposables razors. The BIC Metal is considered the best one out there, but they're hard to find. Any one or two blade disposable should suffice for a few days away from the home shave-den.

A complete list of do's and dont's can be found here at www.tsa.gov
Checked luggage? Yes.
Carry on? TSA specifically says no on their site. Maybe someone on here has a way to getast through security.
I don't believe you can take any blades including one in your razor as a carry-on. I have taken a disposable or a cart.
DE blades will not pass a carry-on inspection. Your brush and soap are probably going to get some strange looks from the TSA agents, but they are legit to carry.

You can mail blades ahead to your destination, buy them when you get there, or do without.

My recommendation would be to leave the DE razor at home and just take along disposables razors. The BIC Metal is considered the best one out there, but they're hard to find. Any one or two blade disposable should suffice for a few days away from the home shave-den.

A complete list of do's and dont's can be found here at www.tsa.gov

+1---- Sneaking them on is not a prudent choice. It is only shaving.
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On the lookout for a purse
The Bic Metal disposables are really good......order them on Amazon

The reason I have gone to DE was to get away from the disposable aspect and the fact that I could not source the Bic Metals locally.

If I had to travel by air they would be my choice for sure.
Kinda figured it would be a no. Thanks for the feedback gents. I might let my beard just grow as this is a leisure trip. The thought of using a cart makes my face sting.

TSA prohibits any DE blades to be carried on. I mail mine. Rumor has it a blade or 2 has been errantly left forgotten in shave kits and some how gotten on. Me? I carefully check my stuff and remove any prohibited ites which msy be seized. Others are less conscientious. Go figure
You won't find this in the TSA regs, but another rule about traveling is not to take along anything you can't afford to lose. Leave behind any valuable gear like Family Heirloom razors, vintage brushes, rare and expensive soaps and colognes, etc.

This applies also to other items you might be traveling with. Cameras, laptops, iPads, jewelry, etc. Anything can happen from being carelessly left behind in a hotel room to theft to an overzealous customs inspection. If its really important to you and can't easily be replaced, don't bring it along.
I recently flew in the US with a DE blade in my carry on (forgot it was in my kit). They took a 2nd look at my bag...but only because of the brush. They didn't see the blade, so I inadvertently had some nice cshaves that trip.
You won't find this in the TSA regs, but another rule about traveling is not to take along anything you can't afford to lose.

I deal with the American Gestapo... er... ummm... I mean, "TSA" almost every day. Do not travel with anything you might miss.

The TSA does publish a list of prohibited items for carry-on and check baggage. However, the list is NOT the final authority on what is considered contraband. Local agents can prohibit anything that they deem dangerous (I have a theory that local contraband lists bear striking similarity to the local TSA managers' Christmas shopping lists, but, hey, I'm a born cynic). The only TSA regulation that doesn't appear to be engraved in Jello is the one that says that the local agents in charge may change TSA regulations as they see fit. The changes may be made with NO notice, and are not required to be in writing. Translation: "We can screw you six days from Sunday, and there is nothing you can do about it.

You could probably put a single DE blade in your razor, and get it through the security checkpoint 5 times out of 6 (the TSA's record of NOT catching contraband is epic). But that 6th time, you are gonna lose the blade, the razor, and anything else the blue-shirts want to help themselves to. And they'll make sure you miss your flight, to boot.

TSA "agents" pretty much treat checked baggage as their personal Amazon.com. A couple times a year there are news reports stories of massive theft by the TSA. But it only seems to be newsworthy if the larceny reaches six-figure levels. Imagine how much gets stolen, and not reported.

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I was a very frequent flyer until I retired and still fly frequently - but not as much. As others have said, it's easy to mail the blades to a hotel, motel, or any place you are staying if you don't check your baggage. For the past six years I have checked my bags since my wife packs many hair and skin products that can't be carried on. I have had my bags opened a few times and have never had a razor, blade, brush, or any shaving product taken.
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