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Thar be new Stews a'foot.

Good Morning, denizens of Badger and Blade, the only place on the internet.

I’m pleased as punch to say that I’ve been given the opportunity to serve you for a while. The universe, in all its questionable logic, has invited me to serve as a steward, along with Till (Prof. Moriarty) here in the General Shaving subforum. We look forward to growing in the knowledge of shaving with each of you, and if ever there is anything we can assist with, don’t hesitate to let us know.

I’m excited to be a part of the greatest website the interwebs have ever known, and to be working with a team of moderators and stewards unrivaled in cyberspace. I look forward to adding to this great tradition.
I look forward to some exciting times to come!

Why the Stews exist.
Your friendly, neighborhood Stewards.
Your friendly, neighborhood Mods.

Till's intro post.
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So can we call you Stewie now?


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