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Thanks to the generosity of a B&B member

I was sent this SOC at no charge from one of our members here, TnutsShave. He had read a post of mine where I was lamenting having sold mine so he PM'd me and offered to send me his. The knot had fallen out and all I had to do was epoxy it back in. It arrived yesterday, and with a little judicious application of epoxy, wammo! I have an SOC again! When the epoxy cures we'll see how good a job I really did. It may be a bit before I get to using this as I'm really trying hard to get my new 1305 broken in but rest assured, this brush won't go to waste.

Thanks TnutsShave for the generous gift!


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Looks really nice. That could have been a fun knot to use in another handle but I do like the look of the original cherry handle as well.
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