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I bought my first bottle of Florida Water recently and as I opened it wondering whether I had wasted hard earned pennies:laugh:I was hit with a the image of John Prine's Barbara Lewis and her horsehead cane (not entirely sure why but it fits like no description of base notes et al can; to me anyway)
I'm interested in the imagery or music or anything a particular scent conjures up in you; nothing too personal otherwise we won't get it. This would help me and others, I'm sure, a thousand times more than talking about "notes". I'm not knocking those of you that understand these things, just looking for an easy pointer to what I'm after.
Knize Ten brings up for me the image of the black smoke monster on "Lost." (This is no dis to K10. I think it is a great edt.)

Pen's LP No. 9 brings up images of my 4th grade. I would rather face the Lost smoke monster!
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