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Technique to help newbies

Here is a technique of keeping track of my trouble spots while shaving. This is mainly for the fellow newbies to wetshaving. It is a slightly more measure approach to using the template diagram of your face's contours. On it, one draws arrows to denote the direction in which his stubble grows. This is to help the newbie refer to it when shaving With The Grain (WTG), Across The Grain (XTG), and Against the Grain (ATG). I have added putting red dots using a pen to record where I nicked or cut myself. That way next time I know to be extra careful in those spots. If it is a recurring trouble spot, I drew a circle around the dot to denote that as an especially troublesome region. As you can see, my trouble spots tend to be around my adam's apple and in the are where my stubble grows in a swirl pattern.

I hope this helps out my fellow wetshaver wannabes. :thumbsup:


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When you shave around the adam apple try to point your chin up, it will stretch the skin and help you get a closer shave.
Thanks. I think one of the hardest parts for me right now is learning how to get a good blade angle when shaving the neck when the neck has more contours. I think this might be why practically all of my trouble spots are on my neck.
Also, when shaving the adams apple area, swallow and hold it. This will move the adams apple out of the way for a second.
When doing the adams apple area, I like to pull the skin from that area, which gives me a nice shave there. I just pull the skin up, down, sideways etc. I've found that to work the best for me as I have quite a protruding adams apple. :001_rolle

This might not work for everyone, but its worth a try. :thumbup1:
The thing that really helped me figure this stuff out was running the fingers of my off-hand in front of, and leading, my razor across my face (slowly). Being able to feel the grains in front of my razor helped me understand which direction to shave the different areas of my face.

It also helped me find which areas were best ATG/XTG/WTG for my face.

Hope this helps.
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