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Technique for left sideburn

Hey gents,

I am getting pretty proficient at trimming up around my beard with my shavette. I am also a head shaver. I am still struggling with the best technique for trimming up from my left sideburn against the grain to get a crisp fade to my shaved head.

I am right handed and just can’t seem to figure it out. Any suggestions ?
I've never head-shaved, but in shaving my face, I use an ambidextrous approach whereby the left side is shaved by my left hand and the right side by my right hand. Perhaps using the left hand there might provide you with a better angle than using the right hand across the face? Stretching is important as well.
I do all my fine tune clean up on my brides lighted, magnified make up mirror.

I shave normally in the bathroom mirror, but the magnified mirror was a game changer for me,

Cant shave what you can’t see.
Hey gents,

I am getting pretty proficient at trimming up around my beard with my shavette. I am also a head shaver. I am still struggling with the best technique for trimming up from my left sideburn against the grain to get a crisp fade to my shaved head.

I am right handed and just can’t seem to figure it out. Any suggestions ?
I find shaving the left sideburn ATG to be easier than the right side. In that I can use my right hand (dominant hand) to hold the razor using something like a backhand tennis racket grip and then shave upwards. Meaning it is more comfortable than shaving the right sideburn with a similar motion/grip with my left hand.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I just switch hands and use my left. All the old manuals, etc from back in the day said that in order to be properly proficient at SR shaving you had to be ambidextrous, so I practiced that from the beginning. Glad I did, because once you get past the initial awkwardness it does make the process easier, being freely able to switch hands to attack the hair growth from all directions.
Well, you ever thought about sideways?

So recently I had a haircut, my barber went on strike in early to mid 2017, 7 years without a hair cut, i go to the same barber, the barstool had a pre pandemic, pandemic episode of pandemonium.

any way he plasters this gunk on me sideburns and combs them out to me nose, and anything over that line there he trims off, giving a nice neat vanishing point to the head hair or lack there of :w00t:

oh and his name is Wombat ESQ. slacker
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