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Taylor of Old Bond Street question

I am a newbie and I just got some Taylor of Old Bond Street Avocado shave cream. I got a great shave but I don't care for the fragrance. Do the other
Taylor of Old Bond Street creams shave as well?
The Avocado has a performance boost over the standard Taylor's creams (and other standard English brands made by Creightons) because of the avocado oil in it. "Regular" English creams will still perform pretty well though.
The Avocado has a performance boost over the standard Taylor's creams (and other standard English brands made by Creightons) because of the avocado oil in it. "Regular" English creams will still perform pretty well though.

I kinda thought that might be the answer. I can live with it.
Thank you for your reply
Once Shaving Essentials has their website up and running again they offer a TOBS sample pack for $20 that includes all of TOBS scents that you might want to try. The Jermyn Street cream does have a great smell(my personal favorite) and seems to work as nicely for me as the Avocado.
Once Shaving Essentials has their website up and running again they offer a TOBS sample pack for $20 that includes all of TOBS scents that you might want to try. The Jermyn Street cream does have a great smell(my personal favorite) and seems to work as nicely for me as the Avocado.

The Shave Den also offers samples. I've got two six packs on the way!!
Woah.....Avatar threw me for a spin.

Avocado is their top shaver IMO but the scent is in the middle. They all shave well but some of their cologne line are a little dry in results.

Avocado, Lavender, and Rose are their best creams. YMMV.
The Shave Den also offers samples. I've got two six packs on the way!!

Edit: JoAnna @ The Shave Den is a complete RIP OFF! $10.88 USD to ship 6 cream samples PLUS and here's the catcher $1.00 "handling fee". This woman is already making $5 profit off shipping and has the balls to charge more, WOW! No thanks!

Canadians will avoid this place and stick to West Coast Shaving, ShavingEssentials, and ShoeBoxShaveShop!
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I didn't see this thread when I posted mine this morning. Taylor's Avocado really impressed me today. Great cream. i have never found the other Taylor's to be as good. But they sure smell great. The rose in particular. My opinion.
I have TOBS lavender and man do I love it. The texture of the lather is the most important thing, but the smell is also important to me.It ads that bit of luxury in the morning.
the avocado is the best of the TOBS creams i've tried, although i'm growing more and more fond of the new jeremyn street sensitive skin cream which is really outstanding in its own right.

for performance and value, it's really hard to match TOBS
I really like the almond flavor :tongue_sm It just has a nice mellow smell that suits me and also performs very well. I would think any product from an "old school" company like TOBS would be fine, but I certainly haven't tried them all, YET! :001_rolle
Give the Avacado a few more shaves before you get rid of it. I didn't like it my first shave, but on the second shave, I really was enjoying it.

If you end up not liking it, I have a tub of the St. James fragrence I'm not keen on that I would trade you for your avacado.
I'm using the Avacado and Eton College interchangably right now. I notice the Avacado produces richer lather, everything else being equal.
I'm not crazy about the scent either, but it is fantastic cream.
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