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Taylor of Old Bond Street and Acne?

As I just started with these new shaving products, TOBS Sandalwood shave soap and shaving cream with TOBS sandalwood aftershave gel, my face has been breaking out. Is it possible the soap and cream or gel is giving me the extra acne? Has anyone experienced extra acne by switching to these types of shave products?
Though I've not experienced the same thing, it's possible that your skin's reacting to something in the products.
You must be experiencing a reaction to one of the ingredients. It is one of the few creams that doesn't irritate my skin in the slightest.
I would stop the aftershave gel and see if it stops. If it does stop, then you know you are either applying too much, or it is the product itself. If it doesn't stop, then you know its the cream.
Thayers gave me wicked breakouts, so I stopped it and they went away

I would assume TOBS does the same to you

Your best bet is to stop and see if they go away

It is always disappointing to know that you cant use something
As great as RazoRock Cacao is, I had to stop using it, because I noticed little acne/blisters around my neck, where collared shirts hit. At first, I thought it was the shirt, but they continued for a few days. I switched back to my others and haven't seen them since.
Sometimes a product just doesn't agree with your skin.
While it doesn't give me acne, TOBS sandalwood shaving soap irritated my face big time. It felt like I had major razor burn for two days after words. I tried three times to use it, and finally gave up. It's too bad, because I really liked the scent and the lather.
Ryan, from your post it appears you have not tried to isolate the problem. It may be only 1 product or all three. You might be able to find out by:

1. don't use these products until your face recovers
2. use a soap or cream you KNOW won't irritate or cause problems and just try the aftershave gel to see if that causes problems or not
3. face recover
4. Try only the soap, no aftershave other than cold water, note results
5. face recover
6. try only the cream
7. try combinations with aftershave if you still haven't found the problem

Basically, use standard troubleshooting technique to try to isolate the cause of the problem. Remember to eliminate variables like maybe no face prep other than hot water, minimize other products, etc.

BTW, I like the TOBS sandalwood soap, but that has nothing to do with your situation... other than it should sell on the BST no problem if it turns out to be the culprit.

Good Luck!
Thanks guys for the help.
I'll try to isolate the problem, which I'm hoping it won't be the soap.
I do like the scent.
I would suspect the aftershave to be the culprit rather than the soap. Try shaving without using it.

You are probably getting folliculitis rather than acne.

I find the TOBS soaps a bit harsher than others.

The Trumper sandalwood soap is quite mild.

Otherwise try a cream.
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