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Tabac Offer.

OK, want!!! SWMBO, however, will not go for this. She just complained the other day when I bought some KMF cream that I already had enough creams and soaps to last me "10 years" (a bit of a stretch, but I could easy go a year or two :001_smile).
I got my order of Tabac today from fragrancex.com...highly recommended. just think how much business they must've received because of B&Bers
OK, I bought a puck of Tabac from FragranceX too. I bought 3 pucks of shaving soap this week. Any more and SWMBO is gonna notice.
If you scroll down to the comment by Jeff Baker:

"Perfume Spot does not include the bowl with this purchase of Tabac. This is simply a refill."

Check before you buy!

Better deal at FragraneX anyway. But that ad clearly states in two places "with bowl". My guess is either he ordered wrong or they messed up his order.
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