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T&H West Indian Limes vs. Castle Forbes Lime - scent

I recently sniffed both T&H and Castle Forbes Lime Oil creams. Love CF. It is like sniffing a freshly squeezed lime. The T&H West Indian Limes has something else going on. Smells woodier to me. I would definitely go for the CF Limes over T&H. Anybody else have the same preference? Any better description of the T&H cream?
I agree with your preference for CF lime. the CF smells like natural lime while the TH smells artificial to me.
In the very beginning of my journey into traditional wet shaving, like many I got the T&H sampler as well as the GFT sampler. Somehow I decided that I preferred GFT Limes over T&H. I can't remember why I liked GFT more.... but apparently I did because I bought a tub of GFT. This was all before I knew of Castle Forbes. Since then I got CF Lavender cream and as good as the T&H creams are I can't imagine the T&H Limes could outperform CF Limes. I know that from the CF Lavender cream that it's more of a natural essential oil scent, so I would assume CF would be the same way.... even though I have not ever tried it.



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CF Lime is not only the best lime scented soap/cream out there, it's one of the best overall scents out there.

it's that good
Well, the wife purchased a tub at Aiden Gill when we were in New Orleans for Xmas. Looking forward to tomorrow's shave!
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