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synthetic vs. horse hair

Hi all,

It is time to move up to a real brush and not my drug store generic. So I was looking at either the H.I.S. synthetic or a horse brush (vie-long probably). Which one gives a better lather and is softer on the face?

Oh now you've done it

I can't speak for the HIS brush but I purchased a Vie Long 13061 from Bullgoose and I'm very satisfied. After breaking it in, it's very soft on my face and does a great job with creams (soaps too, but I like my boar for hard soaps).
Both are good choices.
I find it very interesting to read that you choose for these brushes.
The usual upgrade route is via a better badger or boar.

I cannot recommend the HIS first hand but my good friend GDCarrington holds them in high regard. So I think it is a wise choice if you want a large 28mm soft brush. It is reported to be a very effective latherer also. A bit smaller option is a Muhle black fiber or an Omega artificial badger.

I just bought a Vie Long horse also and found it very good with soaps. Mine is Bullgoose's beehive which I also think is a very nice handle shape. That one is available in horse badger mix also and that is no shabby brush either.
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I have drug store basic boar brush and would like to upgrade as I don't grow that much facial hair and I am finding that my current brush does not lather up well. Either that or my technique needs some work and I am guessing that it is both. But I wanted a softer brush that lathers well and that is more ethically made I guess. Then again I may find a badger in an antique shop. But for now I heard positive things about these two brushes and thought about getting one of them.

Ditto on 13061 vie long horse hair brush. Holds cream lather very well. Probably requires more product since it seems to disperse less lather than a boar.

IMO not as good for soaps as a boar.
I owned a Muhle Black Fibre Synthetic, one of the best brushes in terms of softness and it built lather real fast using less product. The drawback for me was a lack of scrubbiness (?) and it was better at bowl lathering than face lathering, if I could have gotten it with a loft ~38-40mm it would still be in my Den.

I've owned about a dozen Vie-Long Horses and 6 Turkish Horses and loved them all, I've paired down the Herd to two of my favorite V-L Horses and have two Horse/Badger mix Brushes. These compliment my four Shavemacs, TGN Black Badger and Penworks Best Badger, I prefer scrubbier Brushes and Face Lathering.

You could always buy both, use them for a couple of months and B/S/T the one you use least.
I have drug store basic boar brush and would like to upgrade as I don't grow that much facial hair and I am finding that my current brush does not lather up well. Either that or my technique needs some work and I am guessing that it is both. But I wanted a softer brush that lathers well and that is more ethically made I guess. Then again I may find a badger in an antique shop. But for now I heard positive things about these two brushes and thought about getting one of them.


Okay, so softer and a good latherer and ethically made.

I still candidate the Vie Long beehive.


If 28 mm sounds fine the HIS might be right for you.
At 23mm or 25 mm the Muhle Silvertip fibers are a nice alternative:

I find my Vie Long has more scritch as is stiffer than the HIS brush. The HIS still has enough backbone is "spring like" and has really soft tips. If you want a stiffer brush with scritch go with the vie long. If you want really soft tips still with adaquate but less backbone go with the HIS.
O.K. I ordered a horse hair brush from Bullgoose and I will also eventually order a H.I.S. brush. This way I will the best of both worlds I guess.


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