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SWMBO wanted a brush.


I have been working on getting my wife into this wet shaving. I'm not sure if that is a brilliant idea or an utterly stupid idea. Either way I have plowed full steam ahead.

She just celebrated her First Anniversary of her 25th Birthday and I picked up a few things for her. One of them being a Gillette Blue Star Burst razor. She seemed to think it was cool.

She seemed on board so I decided to order her a cream, Klar's Kabinet - Women's Soap which will be arriving soon.


She also told me she is going to need a brush. So I decided to restore one for her because that has been my thing.

I found an old Dubl Duck brush at the flea market and thought it would be great.

Here it is paired with a Whipped Dog 24mm Silvertip Knot


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Here we have a brush I was working on for myself as well.

Every Ready Handle - TGN Premium Silver Tip Fan - 20mm


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I'd do a quick switch around before she gets used to that barber's handle Double Duck but I am partial to barber's handle brushes.
I'd do a quick switch around before she gets used to that barber's handle Double Duck but I am partial to barber's handle brushes.

I told her the brush will be on its stand in the bathroom with all the others. If it happens to get used by someone other than her.... well it happened to get used didn't it?

I'm with Mick on this one. That Dubl Duck is SWEET!!! I love barber handles as well although I don't have one in my collection right now. Got a buddy working on one for me though.

But hey, they both look awesome so either way you should be happy.
This is my restored barber's handle Rubberset 200-1 (the smallest one they made - 20mm knot)

I'm with Mick on this one. That Dubl Duck is SWEET!!! I love barber handles as well although I don't have one in my collection right now. Got a buddy working on one for me though.

But hey, they both look awesome so either way you should be happy.

Thanks! I was thrilled when I saw the double duck brush sitting on the table at the flea market. What a great find. I knew what I could turn it into with a bit of restoration.

This is my restored barber's handle Rubberset 200-1 (the smallest one they made - 20mm knot)


Ohh yeah, that is very nice. The old black rubber always shines so well. Looks great!
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