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Switchblade/stiletto knives. I'm in the market for one and looking for recs.

Hey guys,

I've recently become enamored with classic switchblade/stiletto knives. You know, the kind you'd see in the hands of James Dean or Marlon Brando. I have a budget of probably $100 tops, but I want something nice and reliable. Any recommendations? Also, if you have one, I'd love to see pics.

Thanks in advance.
THe stlye knife you are looking at has no real practical use and most are pretty crappy to boot.

A clip or drop point blade is much more functional and if you are willing to spend the $ you can get a superior steel and heat treated one.
Benchmade and Microtech ( my favorite BTW) both offer them and are fantastic tools.



Jim's got a great point. I own the Benchmade Presidio (the first picture he posted) and it's a very sharp solid performer.
I carry it everyday at work.
The Microtech is where I was heading originally but I got a great deal on the Benchmade.
The quality of their knives is outstanding if you ask me.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
In Kentucky, you must have a Concealed Weapons Permit to carry anything but an ordinary pocket knife. Like Jim said, it really is not very useful as a carry knife.
In Kentucky, you must have a Concealed Weapons Permit to carry anything but an ordinary pocket knife. Like Jim said, it really is not very useful as a carry knife.

To be honest, I wouldn't carry it often at all. It's more for novelty's sake and because I appreciate it as sort of an iconic symbol of rebellion and mid-20th century culture. I have a Spyderco (that Jim repaired for me, in fact) that I use as my EDC knife.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I had one very similar to this. $20 at a flea market. Got pulled over for speeding, "any weapons in your car".."yes there is a knife in the center console". now I have a "weapons" charge on my record and no switchblade.

Needless to say make sure that switchblades/stiletto knives are legal in your state.
9" AKC in stag. I use mine as a letter opener / conversation piece at the office.

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The words stiletto and robust aren't often used together. $100 should get you a nice knife but make sure to research the brand/seller to make sure you don't wind up with a pretty piece of garbage. Microtech make great OTF and stiletto style knives. I wouldn't say that stilettos have a practical purpose, I would say they serve a very limited purpose. My buddy used to carry a stiletto when he was mountain climbing because the quick one handed opening served him well while repelling. Other than the repelling/climbing aspect I can only think of one other purpose, stabbing something/someone. I know it's been said before but please be careful and know your local laws. I used to have a cheap OTF knife when I was Active Duty but I gave it to a platoon member when I got out since I could no longer legally own it. Police and Active Duty Military, at least in NJ can possess switchblade and OTF knives.
Hey guys,

I've recently become enamored with classic switchblade/stiletto knives. You know, the kind you'd see in the hands of James Dean or Marlon Brando. I have a budget of probably $100 tops, but I want something nice and reliable. Any recommendations? Also, if you have one, I'd love to see pics.

Thanks in advance.

$100 budget gives you lots of options. Order one direct, the Italians will mail it to you. AB (Armando Beltrame), Frank Beltrame, AKC, all make essentially the same knife and are located in Maniago Italy, ground zero for classic stilettos. Avoid anything marked "Milano" or with pricing too good to be true, they are Chinese. Not bad knives but nowhere near as nicely finished as the Italian ones -


(These are classic stiletto bolster locks, ~$80 mailed.)



I have one similar to that middle stag one above that I got in the mid 1980's when they were sold as disassembled kit knives to get around the law. I would take a picture, but I'm not sure which box-in-the-basement it's buried in. I also have a round one, where the blade comes out the top. The action on the round one is horrible and I'm lucky if the blade locks into position 50% of the time. I think both blades are stainless and neither holds a good edge. Outside of the "1950 coolness" factor, they are really overpriced junk knives. I wouldn't count on them being that reliable. I've had a few others that were tossed. Outside of a short-lived conversation piece in your home, they are useless. For $100 you can get a nice Spyderco, Columbia River (flipper) or others that open just as fast, have a wicked edge, actually fit in a pocket and won't get you arrested.
In Florida these are as common as grapefruit and totally legal to carry

That is not true. Autos are only legal in Florida if you have a CCW. Otherwise its a misdemeanor weapons charge. Please do not go telling people incorrect information on a topic as important as this as they could wind up in jail. to the OP, you are not going to get a quality auto for $100. They have a niche market and consequently they drive a higher price. In your price range i would personally get a http://www.coldsteel.com/Product/26AST/4_TI-LITE_ALUMINUM_HANDLE.aspx. looks like a stiletto but its waved so it opens upon removal from your pocket. Faster than an auto and legal. also available in zytel :


These are retail prices. You can do better if you shop around. I had one for a day before I realized it was completely useless other than a letter opener or to stab someone. I have plenty of other knives to open letters and I have no need to stab anyone at the present time so i got rid of it.
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Mike H

Instagram Famous
OP, looks like you are out of luck in Missouri...

Missouri - Chapter 571, Weapons Offenses [excerpts].- 571.020... 1. A person commits a crime if such person knowingly possesses, manufactures, transports, repairs, or sells: 7)A switchblade knife;
THe stlye knife you are looking at has no real practical use and most are pretty crappy to boot.

A clip or drop point blade is much more functional and if you are willing to spend the $ you can get a superior steel and heat treated one.
Benchmade and Microtech ( my favorite BTW) both offer them and are fantastic tools.




Absolutely! I have from both of these companies. I am also glad I live in Oregon where I can purchase and carry a knife, even a switch blade if I want to. Cold Steel and CRKT make good ones too. Don't waste money on a crappo knife, it might help save your life one day, believe me so get a better grade knife.
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