Anybody have any suggestions on buying a new brush with a knot size that's 20mm or smaller, that's available in premium grade (super/silvertip/finest)?
As I've already posted, I have a Shavemac 28mm (XL silvertip), a Vulfix 22mm super, a Kent BK4 on the way (22mm), and a Wee Scot.
I definately prefer the lather of a smaller brush over the larger, but it's nice to know it's there if & whenever I feel like a larger, luxurious shave. I was considering shelling out the 199 for a Rooney's finest small, but it's a full 22mm knot, which I already have (soon, TWO of!)... I definately want the highest available badger grade & I'm willing to pay for it.
You guys are the BEST! Thank you!
As I've already posted, I have a Shavemac 28mm (XL silvertip), a Vulfix 22mm super, a Kent BK4 on the way (22mm), and a Wee Scot.
I definately prefer the lather of a smaller brush over the larger, but it's nice to know it's there if & whenever I feel like a larger, luxurious shave. I was considering shelling out the 199 for a Rooney's finest small, but it's a full 22mm knot, which I already have (soon, TWO of!)... I definately want the highest available badger grade & I'm willing to pay for it.
You guys are the BEST! Thank you!