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Suggestions for Thickening Lather

Hey all,

So I got this great puck of coconut shaving soap from an artisan shop. Love the smell, performs well, but I just like my lather to be a bit thicker.

I've tried and tried to beat the hell out of the lather, use less water, etc...to no avail. This stuff plain does not give me a cushiony thick lather. Now that's okay, but I like my thick cushion!!!!

So, do you have any suggestions for something I can add to thicken the lather up without diluting the scent?

So far here's what I've tried:

1. Adding KMF. Result: better lather but diluted scent.

2. Adding Coconut oil. Result: preserves wonderful smell, lather is slicker, but still is a bit runnier than I like.

So, should I just try Glycerin? A Glycerin / Coconut oil combo?

I'd just like to hear people's thoughts in general on what they think works best for thickening a lather while preserving scent?



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
You could always mix it with an unscented glycerin soap.
I have never understood the concept of adding ingredients to a soap that performs poorly. There are so many very good products that it makes no sense to me to mess with one that is subpar. If I had a soap that I did not like, whether for its lathering qualities or scent, I would dump it.

That's why I don't use VDH. I can't stand the smell and the baby doll color doesn't work for me, either.
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