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Suggestions for the next soap purchase?

I just finished a puck of Provence Sante Verlaine. I am working through other soaps (Arko of course, QCS Green Irish Tweed Type, Pirate's Cove Bay Rum and Lime). I liked the Provence Sante really well and have an order out for the Green Tea. Any tallow based soap suggestions would be great as well as other vegetable based soaps.


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MdC, PdP (just got, and it's nice). RR King Louis and 888 are both fantastic.

MWF is a must try as well, D.R. Harris Arlington is very nice and CF are great but considered creams, but act more like soaps.
Pick up a puck of Mike's. Tallow and lanolin goodness; and if you can't find a scent you like, you're not trying!
That's easy. Try Mike's Natural Soaps. I love it and you will too. You cannot beat that price and it's made in the good ole USA!!!!!:thumbup:

I've found Institut Karite to be slicker and more protective than Provence Sante verlaine.

In addition to IK, try RazoRock.
There are so many great soaps out there -- I've got two full bathroom drawers to prove it.:blink: I was seriously thinking today about how lucky I am to be able to experiment w/so many shaving products. Life is good. Great recommendations here already -- Klar Seifen, MdC, Dr. Dittmar are all favorites. Today I tried JabonMan for the first time and loved it. Mike's is a good tallow recommendation. Cella is a classic for a reason. Can't go wrong with Razorock stuff, too, and it's priced reasonably. I love the PS Green Tea, by the way.
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