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suggestions for me?


It has already been said but Adjustability is unnecessary IMO - adjustable DE razors simply didn't exist for the first 50 years - they came in at the tail-end of DE's dominant (golden even) era. The most satisfying designs for me are the fixed blade razors.

If you must have an adjustable I wouldn't personally recommend new - Merkur hasn't got it's act together on the adjustable front, but IMO their cheapest, the Progress is the best of a rum lot. For adjustable you would be better off going 'vintage' Gillette .., 1950's Fat-Boy, 1960's Slim Handle & the late 60's Super Adjustable - all are easily available on eBay & fine razors. Personally I would look out for a long-handled Super Adjustable.

Merkur make three very fine fixed blade razors - the slant bar, HD (Heavy Duty) & the long handled Classic. The slant is more of a second razor as it is very difficult to keep your side-burns straight & level with a slant.The other two are more conventional in shape - the HD would probably just edge it as a first buy razor.

On the 'vintage' fixed blade front ..., a 1940's Superspeed or a 1940's Aristocrat are rated by many as two of the finest razors ever made. There are others of course, but these two are obvious choices.


I agree generally with the advice given above.

While the HD is the most popular of the Merkur line, the classic is also a great razor - I've had mine for over a decade and it still looks like new. If you can get the HD for $20, go for it - if they only have the classic, go for it - either is a bargain at that price.

Don't get the slant as your first DE - its not for the unexperienced and you should perfect your technique on a standard DE before trying the slant (in particular, you will have to get used to using less pressure than with multi-blade razors - whcih is why people like the HD, as the weight of the razor provides the "right" amount of pressure for most on its own).

As for the adjustible, I don't own any of the Merkurs, but do own a vintage Gillette - its fun, but is not necessary - I use mine only occasionally and personally prefer the fixed-head razors. Also, they are more expensive, and even the Progress is likely more than you want to shell out at this point. A final reason for skipping the adjustibles at this point is that its probably more useful for you to concentrate on your technique than fiddling with your razor's adjustment.

In short, the HD would be my first recommendations, but the classic is also a good choice.

Hope this helps.
I just don't understand this neo-Luddite fascination with fixed head razors. It seems to me that an adjustable provides the best of both worlds--adjustability when you need it, and if you don't--just leave it alone!

Most of the objections I see seem to be aimed at protecting inexperienced DE shavers from themselves, and while well-meaning, I think that they are also depriving newcomers from the enjoyment of mastering an adjustable00finding out what settings work well for one's face, or for different passes, etc.

I find that I get my best shaves from my Vision loaded with a fresh Feather--sometimes I use it wide open, other times I dial it way down--my shaving technique changes with the specific setting and set up, which is part of the allure of the DE experience--just my 2 cents. :smile:
mrob said:
I just don't understand this neo-Luddite fascination with fixed head razors. It seems to me that an adjustable provides the best of both worlds--adjustability when you need it, and if you don't--just leave it alone!

Most of the objections I see seem to be aimed at protecting inexperienced DE shavers from themselves, and while well-meaning, I think that they are also depriving newcomers from the enjoyment of mastering an adjustable00finding out what settings work well for one's face, or for different passes, etc.

I find that I get my best shaves from my Vision loaded with a fresh Feather--sometimes I use it wide open, other times I dial it way down--my shaving technique changes with the specific setting and set up, which is part of the allure of the DE experience--just my 2 cents. :smile:

That's because you haven't tried a 1940s Gillette Super Speed yet... :w00t:

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

It isn't luddite to prefer fixed blade razors over adjustables - I've owned all Gillettes & Merkurs adjustable razors and none of them IMO are quite as satisfying as simple razor like the HD or 1940's Superspeed ...., OK, the 195 & Toggle get very close, but they're still not quite there.

Adjustability is there to satisfy a male need for fiddling with settings and making things worse.:wink:


I have nothing against adjustables if that's what floats your boat, I just think that it makes sense for a nebie to use a fixed-head first - that way they concentrate on technique, as opposed to futzing around with the settings on an adjustable.

Also, if you get razor burn with a fixed-head, its related to technique or soap/cream/aftershave treatement, vice razor setting.

So which razor did u pick-not that it matters anyway; eventually, u will end up buying the other one that u dont own. :wink:

contacted that guy at Chesapeake Bay so I'm supposed to get a Merkur HD, he said he'd contact me in a couple days which should be tomorrow...
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