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Struggling with new Lamy Steel M nib (in black)

I'm new to fountain pens, about six months, but I've used a Lamy F, 1.1mm, and 1.5mm nib with no problems. About two weeks ago I got my new Lamy steel M nib in black, and it just doesn't write well. The only way I can describe it is that it has a feeling like the nib is "glazed over", it just doesn't lay down a consistent line. I ran a brass sheet through it (which really helped me earlier when my 1.1mm started writing a light line) but it really didn't seem to help.

Maybe feels like the round "knob" at the very tip of the nib is too large and keeps the ink from making contact with the paper. I still get a line, but it varies in shade. I don't have a loop to check alignment. I realize I'm not giving you much to go on, but thought I would still post the question.

Not sure but I know when I got my Lamy Safari with an M nib I cleaned it off before putting ink in the pen. That colour variation you are talking about is what a lot of us like. It is not so much the nib but the paper and ink as well. Is this a new pen you are trying the nib in or one you have used? Maybe there is dry ink clogging somewhere?
It sounds like a baby bottom nib, it sometimes happens. I've had two poor/bad Z50 nibs one an extra fine the other a medium, I think it just happens with the Z50 nibs.
I recently(with in a month) receive a Lamy Safari neon lime pen. Out of the box it wrote poorly. I used some 12M micro mesh on it( writing my name over and...) it help correct the problem.
Sometimes a change of ink will work wonders. I have the same nib and loved it until I put Noodlers heart of darkness in it. I love the ink, but not with that nib. Before you take micro mesh to it run a different ink for a bit and see if it feels different.
Did you flush out the pen before inking it up? Lamy test writes all of their pens with blue ink. If you did not flush it, you can have dried up old blue ink in there.

Also, if it is just the difference in saturation when writing, like someone else said, it could just be shading that you are not used to. I love a good shading ink!

Can you post a picture to show us what you are describing?
Thanks for all the quick responses. I admit I had to google "baby bottom"! I am using Waterman Serenity Blue and simply switched out the fine nib that I was using on my Lamy Nexx with the medium when it came without changing the ink. I remembered I had a magnifying glass with a small 10x section on it, so grabbed that and it seemed like one of the tines was lower than the other. I got it more in line and it seems to be putting down a better line. I went to some writing I did two days ago on Clairefontaine and wrote with the "aligned" nib and it looks better.

I didn't think alignment would be the issue because I didn't feel it "snag" on the paper, it felt just the opposite. But, thinking about it, I can remember recapping the pen at work and not really paying attention and catching the nib on the side of the cap. Maybe that was enough to do it.

Anyway, I'll write more with it and see how it does. Glad its only a $13 nib!
Had to give up on the nib and contacted Goulet Pens. They allowed me to keep the current nib and sent out a replacement M nib. I've been using the new one for about 10 days and its much better than the original, in line with my other Lamy steel nibs. Goulet really took care of me with their customer service. Since they allowed me to keep the original problem nib, I figured I would purchase their nib tuning kit. When time allows I'll try to work on it. Nice to deal with good vendors!
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